How to care for tulips - simple rules for successful growing

The question of how to care for tulips excites all the fans of these bright large flowers, pleasing with a variety of colors. They can be grown in the garden, at home in pots, long stand such bouquets in a cut form in vases with bulbs or without with competent care.

Care of tulips

Colorful tulips are bulbous perennials. To grow them, you need to buy large, strong, smooth-bred tubers without signs of rot. Care for tulips after the purchase begins with the choice of a sunny place with loose fertile land. Planting material before filling should be held in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. The bulbs are planted in the garden in October to a depth of 7-8 cm, from above mulch , so that during frosts they do not freeze. Delicate shoots of tulips will appear from under the snow in the 20-th of March or early April. They will be pleased with the flowering in May-June.

How to care for cut tulips?

With proper care, the cut tulips will last 8-10 days. When buying flowers in a shop it is better to take copies with undisclosed elastic buds. From its site, the bouquet must be cut early in the morning. Care for cut tulips:

  1. Before installation in the vase, a piece of stalk is cut from below with a sharp knife - horizontally, the extra leaves are removed.
  2. Prefer tulips cool water at + 4 ° C. For this purpose, it is advisable to use ice cubes and arrange them between the leaves.
  3. In a vase change the water every other day, each time making a fresh cut on the stems.
  4. Tulips like sugar, in sweetened water they do not immediately blossom and will stand longer.
  5. A piece of wood charcoal, a tablet of aspirin or a crystal of potassium permanganate will help rotting stems in water to prevent.
  6. You can buy " Buton ", "Flora" and add to the water.

How to care for tubers of tulips after distillation?

If a gift received a tulip in a pot, then it was grown by forcing . Bulbs for such plants are sealed in containers in the fall and by spring they blossom. Winter distillation requires large expenditures from the plant, the tuber is depleted and among the florists there is an opinion that it is unsuitable for further use. But this is not so - you can give a rhizome a second life. Care for bulbs of tulips after forcing:

  1. If the cut was carried out at the base of the stem, then watering is stopped, after 3 weeks the bulbs are selected from the soil, the old roots and the yellowed stems are separated. They are dried for 2 weeks at 24 ° C, then a month at 17-20 ° C, and before landing in the ground - at 14-15C.
  2. When after cutting the flower on a bulb leaves are left (for tall varieties), such tubers continue to be watered and kept under illumination until the foliage turns yellow. They are even fed with liquid fertilizer for onion. After complete yellowing of the foliage, watering is stopped, and the care is carried out according to the scheme described above.
  3. So from the rhizome, you can get large children and replacing bulbs, but the tulips of the January forcing do not grow.
  4. In autumn, stored bulbs are planted in the garden, 30% of them are suitable for the second potting in pots.

Tulips with bulbs in a vase - how to care?

Now it is fashionable to put compositions of tulips together with bulbs in vases. This is a stylish design technique and a way of long-term preservation of the cut. How to care for tulips in a vase:

  1. Place the vase away from the battery in a calm place.
  2. To tulips bloom longer at night they put in a cool room (on the loggia).
  3. It is useful several times a day to spray the leaves of tulips (not flowers) with warm water.
  4. At the bottom of the vase lay pebbles or balls of hydrogel 10 cm high. They are flooded with water at ¾ height. A bouquet is set on such a litter.
  5. After the flowering, the bulbs are dried, they are looked after as after distillation.

How to care for tulips after flowering?

When the buds were fastened, the petals opened, the actions of the flower grower did not end. It is important to know how to care for faded tulips. This bulbous plant, in the process of growth from the mother bulb grow babies. In order not to lose the main tuber, it must be excavated every year. Care for bulbs of tulips after flowering:

  1. Dig a tuber strictly from the middle of June to the beginning of July.
  2. After the children are released, the bulb falls under the ground. Therefore, in order not to spoil the rhizome, you need a shovel.
  3. Dug bulbs are wiped off the ground, put in a dry, cool place.
  4. By September they ripen, bulbs inspect for diseases, whole planted in the ground.
  5. In the spring they again will please with bright tulips.

Tulips - outdoor care in the spring

Early in the spring, care for the tulips begins, when they appeared from under the ground. Unextended bulbs must be removed so that others do not fall ill. Care for tulips in the spring at the dacha:

  1. The tulip loves water, watering should be generous and regular, especially at the time of budding and flowering (10-40 liters per 1 m 2 ).
  2. The first fertilizing is needed when sprouts appear. On the site, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (2: 2: 1) are scattered at a rate of 50 g / m 2 followed by watering.
  3. For the second time tulips feed at the time of budding. To do this, reduce the proportion of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus - increase (1: 2: 2). The fertilizer rate is 30-35 g / m 2 .
  4. The third time they feed the culture after flowering only with potassium and phosphorus 1: 1 - 30-35 g / m 2 .
  5. On the site, weeding and loosening of the soil is carried out, the wilted flowers are removed.
  6. Every 3-4 years tulips need to change their place of growth.