Decorative bush almonds - planting and care

Almond is an incredibly beautiful decorative shrub that many gardeners seek to grow on their site.

The almonds begin to bloom very early - in April-May. It is characterized by abundant flowering. But even without flowers almonds are very attractive due to their rounded shape.

Decorative almonds - reproduction

Reproduction of ornamental almonds is carried out in such ways:

  1. Fission of bushes. With this method, the overgrown shrub is divided into parts and planted.
  2. Root overgrowth. After pruning a bush, a lot of young growth usually grows. She is planted from the bush in the second year, when the roots become strong.
  3. Cuttings. Cuttings are prepared in July. First they are planted as seedlings Cuttings are chosen with 2-3 knots, when planting on the surface, only one knot should remain. At the first wintering cuttings must necessarily be insulated with dry leaves or straw.
  4. Layers. The shoots of the plant are bent to the ground and fixed, and then sprinkled with earth. Then wait until the roots grow on the layers (usually in a year). Separate the layers from the bush a year later after the root system was well formed.
  5. Seeds. Seeds are planted in autumn after they are collected (to a depth of 8 cm) or in spring (to a depth of 6 cm). If planting occurs in the spring, then the seeds pass a 3-4 month stratification.
  6. Inoculation. Almonds can be planted on a plum, a turn or cherry plum. Grafting is carried out in late July - early August.

The almond bush - planting and care in the garden

Planting of almonds should be carried out on a site well illuminated by the sun. It is necessary that the plant receives light at least 6 hours during the day. On this depends the abundance of flowering almonds.

The bush is not picky to the soil and can grow even on clay soil. However, in order to get a magnificent overgrown bush, it is better to choose a loose compost soil. The earth needs to be well moistened, it is recommended to water the plant deeply once a week. A good drainage of the soil is also necessary for evenly distributing moisture.

Almond can be planted in spring or autumn. Plant it in such a way that the root neck of the plant is 1-2 cm above the soil level. If several shrubs are planted, a distance of 1.5 m is maintained between them.

When planting the bush and in the first vegetative season, it is necessary to carry out fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizer. This is necessary to ensure the development of roots.

Young plants like fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen. Adult bushes are fertilized with ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 liters of water) and manure.

Almonds easily tolerate even severe winters. Therefore, it does not need to be sheltered for the winter.

Pruning of decorative almonds

Carrying out periodic pruning of the bush will save his health, provide abundant flowering and support his beautiful globular shape.

After the almonds bloom, the dead and unnecessary branches are cut. Places of sections are greased with garden fungus or fungicide. At the end of August, the apical buds are cut from the plant. This is necessary to prepare for the winter, in order to avoid freezing of the apical shoots.

Almond decorative can tolerate such diseases:

  1. Gray rot . This disease cuts all affected branches immediately after flowering.
  2. Leaves curls. Damaged leaves are removed, the rest foliage is treated with Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Rust . The plant is treated with sulfur powder or a colloidal aqueous suspension of sulfur.
  4. Moniliosis . To win it will help spray Bordeaux liquid every 15-20 days.

In addition, almonds can be attacked by such insects as aphids, leaf-litter, plum moth. They are eliminated by spraying carbofos and chlorophos.

Having planted almonds on your site, you can create a beautiful hedge. If the necessary conditions are met with care of this plant, even beginner gardeners can cope.