How to transplant a violet?

To this gentle flower pleased you with beautiful flowering, it should be transplanted annually and by all rules.

How correctly to transplant a violet?

Each florist who decided to grow the sympolyus, there is approximately the same list of questions regarding the transplant. Many do not know whether it is possible to transplant violets in winter. The fact is that the transplant is recommended in the spring or autumn period. In summer, because of the heat, the plant does not adapt well in the new pot, and in winter its growth slows down and the flower is at rest. Reflecting on whether it is possible to transplant the violet in the winter, first of all, be based on the degree of necessity. If there are reasons why it will not be postponed until the spring, then the transplant is permissible. To cases when it is possible and necessary to transplant violets, regardless of the time of year, include souring of the soil, the appearance of parasites or disease of the plant.

Another controversial point - is it possible to transplant a blossoming violet. Some argue that transplantation during budding is undesirable, since this will slow the onset of flowering. However, many growers in practice were convinced that it is possible to transplant a blossoming violet, but it should be done very carefully and carefully. But with forced transplantation (soil silt or parasites), it is better to remove the buds altogether, so that the flower can give all the forces for adaptation in a new place.

How to Transplant a Violet: Instructions for Beginners

Consider the basic rules and advice on how to transplant the violet correctly: