Shielding of hair

The hair of the majority of the fair sex representatives need daily care, and especially for the residents of megacities, where there are a lot of negative factors that negatively affect the condition of the strands, their appearance and structure. The ideal solution to this problem is a procedure called hair screening, which is used to nourish the hair from the inside.

"And what is it and how does it work?" You ask. The answer to this question is quite simple. During this procedure, a special composition is applied to your overdried, brittle or split hair, creating dense layers that will not only protect each hair from the negative effect, but at the same time nourish it, contributing to an increase in the thickness of the hair, and accordingly the total volume of the hair. The best effect of the hair screening procedure is achieved in people with a porous hair structure. And it persists for two to six weeks, as the film is washed off gradually.

The means for screening the hair includes soy protein, amino acids, as well as various components of plant origin that contribute to giving them shine, and strands of a more well-groomed and healthy appearance. In addition, carrying out this procedure helps to moisturize the hair. And unlike lamination your strands, although they become more rigid, but it will not look heavy.

Another advantage of screening is the ability to give hair any shade you like. In this case, careful hair coloring is assumed without negative consequences for them. For this, a special paint is used, which does not contain hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, or other aggressive alkaline compounds. Moreover, its composition includes lipids and ceramides, which, penetrating into the bulbs and inside the hair, revitalize them and eliminate the fragility.

In connection with the fact that during the screening, intensive hair nourishment and their treatment from the inside take place, and when lamination - the outer layer of the hair improves, it is recommended that these two operations be carried out together.

How much does hair screening cost and where can I make it?

The procedure is carried out in most beauty salons by masters who have been trained at special seminars. The price for screening hair, due to the fact that professional means of famous brands are used, varies from 100 y. e. and higher. The most famous line for this procedure are Paul Mitcell and Kemon.

Shielding of hair at home

Those who can not afford the services of a professional master can make hair screening at home. What do you need for this? First, of course, the kit for screening the hair of those manufacturers that were mentioned above. Do not take risks, acquiring funds of unknown manufacturers, and then instead of beautiful hair, you can get overdried and untidy hair.

Note: Do not forget to read the instruction before proceeding to the procedure itself.

Technology execution

  1. First of all, rinse hair with a special professional shampoo, and apply balm.
  2. Then lightly dry hair by wetting them with a towel.
  3. If you have a preliminary hair coloring in the plans, then apply the coloring agent. After 25 minutes, rinse hair thoroughly and dry it with a hair dryer.
  4. The final step is the application of a fixative for screening and drying the hair with a hair dryer.