Dry Shampoo for Hair

Every woman has at least once in her life had a situation where she urgently needs to flee somewhere, suddenly plans have changed or she simply has to spend a long time on the road where there is no time or opportunity to wash her hair. Of course, you can hide your hair under a cap or kerchief, but you can try and quickly put them in order with a dry shampoo that does not require the use of water.

Sometimes the term "dry hair shampoo" refers to a solid shampoo that is sold in the form of bars, like soap, and is applied in the same way as a normal shampoo. But below we will talk about special aerosols.

It is important to remember that these aerosols are not a full-fledged replacement for ordinary shampoos, but serve as an auxiliary tool, irreplaceable in emergency situations.

Dry shampoo is a good aid for owners of fatty hair and such hair that quickly become covered with mud at the roots, but with dry tips.

Applying dry hair shampoo

It will not be superfluous to note that the use of such a shampoo for very dry hair is not very appropriate, because, often, people with this type of hair frequent washing is not recommended.

Dry shampoos are usually released in the form of powdered sprays, less often - in the form of pressed tiles. They include substances with increased absorbency, based on corn, rice or oats, which absorb excess sebum and other contaminants.

To use this spray, the can is shaken, spraying the product onto the hair from a distance of 30-40 centimeters. After applying, massage the head, evenly distributing the shampoo, and leave for a few minutes, after which they wipe the hair with a towel, and the remaining spray is combed with a brush.

Dry shampoo has a powdery structure and is usually white, so when using it for dark hair, the residues will be more noticeable, in which case it may take additional time to thoroughly comb to remove it.

Grades of dry shampoos

  1. Klorane. A sufficiently high-quality tool of the average price category, which allows you to bring curls in order for 2-3 minutes. Recommended for dry and normal hair.
  2. Oriflame. Dry shampoo of this brand is difficult to comb out, especially if it is applied in large quantities. In addition, it has a sharp enough odor that not everyone can like.
  3. SYOSS. Budgetary means, which, in addition to the main function, also gives the hair extra volume. But the effect of "washing" does not last too long, only 6-8 hours. This shampoo will be very useful for owners of fine dry hair, but not for their purification, but as an auxiliary substance for giving volume.

Homemade dry hair shampoos

At home, replacing dry shampoo can serve as a mixture from milled to a state of flour oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and soda (1 teaspoon). Also suitable are 2 tablespoons of flour of any sort, 1 tablespoon of ground almonds and a tablespoon of iris root or violet. For owners of dark hair, flour should be replaced with cocoa powder.

This homemade mixture is used in the same way as branded shampoos: applied to the hair, rubbed, and then removed using a towel and comb.

Remember, even if you do not have a shampoo and conditioner that you usually use, and you need to put your hair into order at once, always wear dry shampoo in your purse.