Mask for the density of hair

If the volume and appearance of the hair leaves much to be desired, do not despair. There are many ways to make hair thicker, more beautiful and healthier. And one of the simplest and most affordable means are home-made masks for hair density. Of course, we must not forget that the type of hair is genetically conditioned, and it is not necessary to count on global changes. But, first, you can strengthen the hair, and, consequently, their density will increase significantly, and secondly, you can restore and strengthen the structure of the hair, making them shiny and healthy, then the volume will visually become larger.

Folk masks to increase the density of hair can be more difficult to apply than special cosmetics, and also, to achieve the effect will take more time. But home masks for hair density have a number of advantages, such as cost, the absence of harmful chemical compounds and components of poor quality. In addition, many folk recipes are not inferior to effective masks for the density of hair from leading cosmetic companies.

Recipes for masks for the density of hair

Many effective home masks for hair density contain in the composition onions or garlic. These products do have a beneficial effect on hair, but have a significant drawback in the form of a sharp odor. To get rid of the smell of garlic or onions after such a mask is very difficult, in many cases it can manifest itself long enough even after repeated washing of the head. But in some cases, such inconveniences may be justified, especially if emergency measures are required to strengthen the hair and increase the density.

Home mask for hair density with onions

Grind the onion and squeeze the resulting pulp carefully (onion juice strain, to remove the remains of the pulp). Mix the juice with a teaspoon of castor oil. Whisk the egg, mix with a teaspoon of honey and onion mixture. To eliminate the smell of onions, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil, suitable for hair type. After receiving a homogeneous mass, apply it to the scalp, warm it and do not rinse it for 1-2 hours. After washing off the mask, it is recommended to rinse the hair with water diluted with fresh lemon juice. The recommended course of application of the mask is 1 month, 2 times a week.

Siberian mask to increase the density of hair

Peel the pine nuts in a mortar, adding a little water. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. The resulting cedar slurry is placed in a pottery and place in the oven for half an hour. For 14 days at night, rub the mask into the scalp.

Effective masks for increasing the density of hair based on honey

Increase the volume of hair with herbal decoctions, which should be used instead of rinse. Select the herbs should be based on the color of the hair. So for red hair it is recommended to use calendula or nettles, blondes to chamomile, and for burdock burdock and oak bark will suit.

With the help of folk remedies, everyone can make their hair thicker, more beautiful and healthier, the main thing is not to spare for this a little time and effort.