Patties on yogurt

Imagine an airy dough with a crispy ruddy crust on the outside, which covers your favorite stuffing with an air shroud - it's all about pies on curdled milk. In the recipes below, we will discuss two ways of making such pies, and you can choose what you like.

Fried patties on yogurt without yeast

Filling for these pies you can choose absolutely any, but we preferred a classic - potatoes with onions.


For the test:

For filling:


Let's start with the filling. We boil the potatoes, then mash in puree with salt and pepper. Onions finely chopped and let on vegetable oil until soft and the appearance of golden color. Mix onions with crushed potatoes and leave the filling cool.

Now let's take the dough. Drizzle is mixed with soda and salt, and then, constantly pouring pre-sifted flour, knead thick dough. The dough for curd dough must be very soft and gentle, but not sticky, it should be kneaded for about 8-10 minutes.

We divide the dough into portions, each roll out, put the potato filling in the center of the flat cake and splinter the edges. Fry the patties in a frying pan until golden brown.

Patties in the oven for curdled milk - recipe


For the test:

For filling:


Seasoned pre-heated to room temperature, we dissolve in it sugar, salt and yeast. Gradually pour the sifted flour, knead the elastic dough. Once the dough is assembled into a ball, start kneading it manually for at least 10 minutes. Now cover the dough with a damp towel, put it in the heat and leave it for 1 hour.

Boil the eggs and mix them with green onions, salt and pepper.

Yeast dough is divided into portions, roll out, we put inside the stuffing and we patch the edges. We give the pies a second time 45 minutes. After, bake the cakes in a preheated to 180 ° C oven for 20 minutes.

As a filling, you can use not only eggs, but everything that your heart desires, from berries and fruits to the liver and fried mushrooms. Bon Appetit!