Assorted meat solyanka - a classic recipe for cooking

There is no classical recipe for the preparation of meat salted meat, as the very concept of the saltwort excludes any restrictions. Solyanka is a recognized after-dinner soup, which is usually filled with meat leftovers after a feast, that's why everything goes in the course, and the composition of the dish varies depending on what you have at your fingertips. If you are purposely going to buy meat products for soup, we recommend that you pay attention to this material, in which we will analyze the various variations of this popular first dish.

Classical national team meat butcher

The basis of the classic dish is beef broth, although some prefer to keep the pure taste of smoked meat, because they start the broth from the bird, much less bright in its flavor.



After preparing the meat, pour it with water and leave to cook for an hour and a half, not forgetting to remove noise from the surface. Near the end of the broth cooking time, take meat. Salami and ham cut into strips. Onion chop and save with meat products. Squeeze the garlic paste and add the tomato paste. Dilute the frying pan with a couple of glasses of the finished broth and leave to languish for about 10 minutes. Ready soup base mix with broth, put pieces of pickled cucumbers and laurel. The meat, on the basis of which the broth was welded, is disassembled into fibers (it easily disintegrates) or arbitrarily, but rather finely, cut. Leave the soup to boil on the weakest fire for about half an hour.

A classic recipe for a meatball salad with kidneys and potatoes

Preparation of a saltwort with kidneys takes significantly longer, and all because the kidneys before frying should be prepared accordingly. Prepare by-products simply: one day before cooking soaked in cold water, changing it every 3-4 hours. The smell is gone - you can cut and cook.



Prepared kidneys cut into strips and fry separately from other meat products. Then brown the sliced ​​bacon, add kidneys and chicken to it, pieces of onions with carrots and leave to brown for a few minutes. To the finished roast, add tomato puree with paprika and dilute all with a couple of glasses of broth. Add chopped cucumbers and simmer for another 10 minutes. Transfer the contents of the frying pan into a saucepan with hot broth and cook all together for about 15 minutes, not forgetting to put the diced potatoes.

Recipe for the classic meatball team with sausage



Cut the smoked products and fry them together with the sausage in a dry frying pan. When the pieces of meat are browned, add the chopped onions and grated carrots to them. Allow the vegetables to reach half cooked, and then put the pieces of mushrooms. When mushrooms give excess moisture and it evaporates, put the tomato puree and fill it with a half liter of water. Cook the hodgepodge for about half an hour, put the olives at the very end of the cooking.

The recipe for the classic meat salted meat team can be repeated in a multivariate. Repeat all the preparatory steps on the "Baking", and after adding the liquid, turn on "Quenching" and cook soup for half an hour.