Cauliflower soup with chicken

Cauliflower is indispensable in dietary nutrition, children's menu or diet of people who lead a healthy lifestyle. It is hypoallergenic, rich in vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements, it is easily digested. It has a very delicate and pleasant taste, both in its pure form, and in combination with other products in dishes such as stews, salads and soups. Especially harmoniously, cauliflower is combined with chicken meat, and the degree of usefulness and nutritional value of such dishes is doubled.

We offer several options for making soups from cauliflower with chicken.

Vegetable soup with chicken and cauliflower - recipe



Washed chicken meat, cut into pieces, pour two liters of water, salt, add a mixture of peppers, sweet peas and laurel leaves and cook for twenty minutes.

Peeled and sliced ​​carrots and bell peppers, and fry the onion in a frying pan in butter. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

We take the meat from the broth and disassemble the fibers.

In the broth we spread the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Then we send the fried vegetables, divided into small inflorescences, cauliflower and chicken pieces. We let it boil for another five minutes, fill it with greens and remove it from the fire.

We serve hot aromatic soup with sour cream.

Cauliflower soup with chicken and melted cheese



Chicken breast is washed, placed in a pan with two liters of water and put on a plate. There we throw the peeled whole bulb, garlic, carrots, cut into several pieces, the celery stalk, the beam floor green parsley and salt to taste. Cook the broth until the ready-made state of the chicken breast.

We remove the prepared chicken, and filter the broth. We throw the inflorescence of cabbage into it and send it back to the stove for fifteen minutes.

While the cabbage is brewed, we disassemble the meat into fibers, we rub the melted cheese on a grater. Ready cabbage mash in puree blender, add cheese and heat, stirring constantly until the cheese dissolves.

We serve soup, putting chicken and parsley on the plate.