Fish baked with tomatoes

Often we really want to cook something original and unusual. Moreover, it is fast, simple, tasty and useful. We bring to your attention recipes of fish baked with tomatoes. To cook this dish is a pleasure, and its taste will certainly surpass all your expectations.

Fish with tomatoes in the oven



Let's figure out how to cook fish with tomatoes. Tomatoes are washed, cut into small slices about 1 cm thick. If the tomatoes have thick skin, then it is better to remove it first, putting vegetables for 30 seconds in a steep boiling water, and then transferring to cold water. It is desirable to choose a fish that is not very young and not dry. If the fish is frozen, then it must be defrosted beforehand so that all the ice that is on it melts, and melted the water gently.

Then we take a deep baking sheet, cover it with foil and lubricate it with vegetable oil. After that, we lay fish fillets in one row, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle a little and sprinkle with any spices to taste. Over the fish, tightly put the tomato slices, lightly add salt and pepper. We put the pan in the oven and bake the fish at a temperature of 220 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type of fish and the thickness of the fillets.

Fish with tomatoes and cheese



The oven is switched on and heated up to 220 degrees. Cut the fillet portions, salt and pepper. Tomatoes shinny thin slices, and cheese three on a large grater. We cover the baking tray with baking paper and lay out the prepared fish. On top, cover it with tomato slices, sprinkle with cheese and put in an already hot oven. Bake the fillet until cooked for 30 minutes.

Fish in foil with tomatoes



We clean the fish, wash it, dry it with a towel, remove large bones and rub it to taste with salt and pepper. Tomatoes cut into circles, add salt and stuff them our fish. Then we spray the pelengas with lemon juice, we spread the roasted onions from the top, wrap all the foil, spread it on the grate and put it in a preheated oven. After 30 minutes, the fish are opened and baked for another 10 minutes until the appetizing crust appears. Ready fish with tomatoes served at the table hot with fried potatoes or pea porridge.