Diclofenac - eye drops

Diclofenac drops are designed to alleviate the symptoms of eye inflammation - they relieve pain, swelling and redness. Due to its properties, this tool is actively used in ophthalmology with many eye diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Eye drops composition Diclofenac

Diclofenac drops refer to anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agents that are effective for inflammation of tissues.

The main active substance of these eye drops is diclofenac sodium, which is contained in 1 ml of the drug - 1 mg.

The auxiliary substances that help to keep the substance its properties, as well as deeply penetrate into the tissues, are:

Form of issue

Eye drops are a 0.1% concentrated solution, placed in 5 ml dropper bottles.

A smaller volume of drops is represented by a 1 ml bottle.

Appearance of the solution is colorless, transparent or with a yellowish tinge.

Pharmacological properties of eye drops Diclofenac

In the instructions for the use of the drop Diclofenac indicated that they directly affect the reduction in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are involved in the creation of inflammation. Locally affecting the lesion, with the help of drops a quick effect is achieved. They help reduce pain and reduce puffiness in tissues.

Diclofenac is considered more effective in its anti-inflammatory properties than ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid and butadione.

Within 30 minutes after the use of the remedy, a decrease in the severity of symptoms is observed. This is due to the fact that by this time diclofenac reaches its maximum concentration in tissues. However, it does not enter the systemic circulation. The area of ​​penetration is the anterior chamber of the eye.

Eye drops Diclofenac - instruction

A positive aspect in the use of drops for the eyes of Diclofenac is that they are compatible with other eye drops. This has a positive effect on the complex treatment of various eye diseases.

Indications for the use of drops Diclofenka

Diclofenac drops are used to treat various inflammatory processes. For example, with conjunctivitis : if the disease is of an infectious nature, the drops of Diclofenac are combined with antibacterial drops.

Among the general indications for the use of drops are the following:

Applying drops to the eyes Diclofenac

The drug is used topically in the form of instillation in the conjunctivel bag 1 drop 4 times a day.

If the medication is used before or after the operation, then the dosage and frequency increase: 1 drop 5 times for 3 hours with an interval of 20 minutes - before the operation and 1 drop 3 times after the operation.

Contraindications to the use of drops Diclofenac

Among the contraindications to the use of Diclofenac drop are the following: