Nutritional value of milk

Milk is the product whose exceptional nutritional value is beyond doubt. After all, a person is a representative of a class of mammals, i.e. those beings for whom in a certain period of life it is critically necessary for survival.

Naturally, with time, mother's milk in the diet disappears, and mammals move on to another mode of nutrition. People have found a way to deceive nature: they began to use the milk of other living things to eat.

Nutritional value of cow's milk

Milk is an excellent source of high-grade protein, which contains all the necessary amino acids: in this product about 3 grams, per 100 ml. It also contains carbohydrates (mainly milk sugar) - about 5%. The amount of fat in milk can vary depending on the time of day, feed, season, breed of a cow. The maximum fat content of whole cow's milk reaches a value of 7-9%, on average, this index fluctuates around 3.5-5%.

Cow's milk contains vitamins:

And also minerals:

The energy value of cow's milk is about 60 kilocalories.

Nutritional value of goat's milk

The nutritional value of goat's milk lies in the fact that it is the closest thing to the human from the common variants. It is no accident that many pediatricians recommend it, and not cow, as a substitute for breast milk after breastfeeding. The proteins contained in this milk are much better absorbed. In addition, despite the high fat content of the goat's milk, the fat in it is in the form of very small drops that are easier to digest in our body, which provides high nutritional value of goat's milk.