How to get rid of papillomas at home?

The HPV or human papillomavirus is as common as herpes. Therefore, in most people with a decrease in the activity of the immune system or a deficiency of vitamins in the body on the skin and mucous membranes, small growths are formed.

Modern medicine has a lot of techniques for removing such tumors, there are also options for how to get rid of papillomas at home. In the latter case, it is important to exercise extreme caution, it is advisable to consult a physician beforehand.

How to fight papillomas at home?

Traditional healers offer to treat growths in a complex manner. Before external influences, immunity should be strengthened, for this it is recommended to add fresh juices, fruits, vegetables to the diet in a few weeks, and instead of tea to drink the decoctions of the following herbs:

Further disposal of multiple papillomas at home involves applying to the shoots 2-5 times a day freshly squeezed juice of their products:

Similarly, essential oils - lemon, licorice, eucalyptus and tea tree.

Also in folk medicine, the removal of tumors with egg white is practiced. They should lubricate the papilloma, wait until the skin is completely dry, and apply the next layer. Repeat up to 10 times a day.

A few more tools for local therapy:

How can you remove a large papilloma yourself at home?

Even if the growths are large and bulky, all of the above options will help them to withdraw, it just takes a long time. In addition, there are medicines with more intense action.

Recipe for alcohol mixture


Preparation and use

Dissolve all the other ingredients in the alcohol, shake well. With the help of a cotton swab gently apply the drug on neoplasms.

It should be noted that it is impossible to quickly get rid of numerous papillomas at home. We'll have to work out the growths daily several times for 4-10 weeks, until they disappear on their own.

Recipe for peanut infusion


Preparation and use

Grind the young nuts, the resulting gruel to put in a container of glass and pour kerosene. Insist a solution 21 days in the dark. Strain the remedy and wring out the raw materials. With this liquid, pointwise to treat neoplasms 2 times a day.

Preparations and pharmacies for the removal of papillomas in the home

A faster way to cope with skin defects are traditional medicines:

In addition, pharmacies sell special plasters and sticky tapes from the papillomas. They are impregnated with a liquid, which contributes to their drying out and subsequent drop-out.

It is important to remember that the independent removal of the growths relieves only the symptoms of the underlying disease. Really effective treatment should be complex and include systemic therapy of human papillomavirus (Panavir, Acyclovir, Famvir). Otherwise, the neoplasms will appear again, possibly even more than before.