Oak bark from sweating of the feet

Constantly wet socks and soles of feet cause a lot of inconvenience, especially if the problem is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of the skin. In folk medicine, the bark of oak has long been recommended for sweating feet in the form of broths and even ointments. This remedy is the best way to safely eliminate the pathology and cope with increased sweating.

How to apply the bark of oak against sweating?

If you do not like to spend time on self-made medicines, pharmacy chains offer an inexpensive and effective ointment based on the oak bark and walnut extract (Home Doctor). Regular use of this paste can quickly cope with the problem in question, as well as soften the skin of the feet, prevent the formation of calluses.

Recipe for home ointment:

  1. Grind dry bark of oak (200 g) and divide into 2 parts.
  2. Prepare the decoction from one serving of raw materials and 1 liter of water. Boil until the solution is reduced in volume by 2 times.
  3. Insist broth 2 hours, wrapped it with a towel. After cooling, pour into a glass jar.
  4. The second part of the bark powder is mixed with 5 tablespoons of thick natural honey.
  5. The broth should be rinsed with the feet, then rub the prepared pasta. Both products should be stored in the refrigerator.

The proposed way to treat the bark of oak helps and with the smell from the feet. Only the third procedure is added - moisten the gauze in the infusion and put it on the feet before going to bed. After 30 minutes, remove the compress, repeat for 14 days. Such an integrated approach allows eliminating sweating and unpleasant odor for 3 weeks.

Foot baths with bark of oak

With moderate sweating, regular cosmetic procedures are enough.

The recipe for the bath:

  1. In 500 ml of boiling water, lower 1 tablespoon of crushed oak bark .
  2. Cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, cover and let stand.
  3. Warm the solution diluted with 200 ml of hot water and place the foot in it, until the temperature is comfortable for the skin.
  4. After the procedure, wipe your feet dry.

Another effective way:

  1. Make a decoction of 10 parts water and 1 part shredded oak bark.
  2. In each liter of the obtained solution add 10 ml of tincture of propolis to alcohol and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  3. After thorough mixing, place the solution in a glass container.
  4. For 10 days every night, do foot baths with this remedy (20 minutes).