Focusing of the eye is carried out by means of contractions of the ciliary muscle, which can be damaged by prolonged overexertion. This condition is called spasm of accommodation or false myopia, because the pathology is completely reversible and does not cause permanent visual impairment. Disease often affects young people, it is much less common in maturity and old age.
Symptoms of spasm of accommodation
Reduction and relaxation of the ciliary muscle provides a change in the shape of the lens, and hence the refractive power of light. The tension of accommodation is an increase in its curvature, which makes it possible to see objects clearly and sharply. It is from this parameter that visual acuity depends.
When the accommodation of the eye changes - spasm occurs, the muscle does not relax, being in a constant reduced state, even when it is not required. As a result of this process, the following symptoms are observed:
- short-sightedness ;
- headache;
- rezi, burning in the eyes;
- fatigue;
- weakness;
- irritability due to inability to concentrate.
The listed manifestations are more pronounced if there is a spasm of accommodation of both eyes. This is a rather rare phenomenon, characteristic for young people who, due to their occupation, are forced to constantly strain their eyesight (reading, working at the computer, paying attention to small details).
Treatment of spasm of accommodation
Therapy consists both in the elimination of symptoms with the help of local, high-speed drugs, and in the application of a complex scheme using special gymnastics, physiotherapy, lifestyle changes.
First of all, the ophthalmologist will recommend the means and solutions that will help quickly get rid of tension, relax the ciliary muscle and widen the pupil.
As a rule, droplets of accommodation help to remove the spasm of accommodation:
- Midratsil;
- Tropicamide;
- Irifrin (2.5%).
These names really help in the shortest possible time to relieve stress, but spasm can return, so it is important to combine medication with other activities.
Here's how to treat the spasm of accommodation further:
- Attend magnetotherapy sessions.
- Do electrophoresis with medicinal solutions and phytonastases.
- To train the muscles of the lens together with the treating ophthalmologist with the help of special exercises.
- Increase physical activity.
- Observe the regime of the day, give enough time to rest and sleep.
- Keep track of workplace lighting.
- Monitor the position of the body, posture while reading or working.
- Attend laser and electrostimulation of the ciliary muscle.
- Pass a full course of massage on the cervical collar zone and repeat it twice a year.
- Enrich the diet with vitamins, minerals and minerals.
It should be noted that the latest modern developments in the field of ophthalmology allow you to perform gymnastics using computer simulators in real time and