How to increase blood pressure?

It is believed that the normal for a healthy young man is 120/80. With age, the numbers may slightly increase. But there are people who all their lives live with a little increased or decreased pressure and feel fine. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is much worse when hypotonic seizures happen suddenly. To quickly stop them, you need to know how to raise blood pressure. To do this, you can use pharmacy medicines. But the people's means can in most cases be very effective.

How to quickly raise blood pressure at home?

Like arterial hypertension, hypotension is not well tolerated. During an attack the head strongly hurts, constantly it would be desirable to sleep, sometimes there is a nausea. It is accompanied by very strong weakness. At such moments it seems that a short-term rest will help to recover, but often even after sleep the state remains unsatisfactory.

As practice has shown, it is much more effective to use folk remedies that raise blood pressure:

  1. Salt. Slowly dissolve a pinch of salt. The pressure rises instantly. But at the proper level is not kept long.
  2. Salted nuts. They act in approximately the same way as conventional salt.
  3. Coffee. This is one of the most famous and effective medicines. A cup of natural strong drink quickly increases the pressure.
  4. Cold and hot shower. For many, the best medicine that increases blood pressure is water procedures. Alternate hot and cold water. Abrupt temperature changes will cheer you up.
  5. A sandwich. Bread with butter and cheese is simple. It contains fat and salt - what you need to raise the pressure instantly.
  6. Cinnamon. Mix a teaspoon of powder with a glass of boiling water. After a few hours, add a little honey to the medicine. Infusion should be drunk in a little morning and evening. But he is very active and can immediately put pressure on several dozen units.
  7. Sleep. It is important to adhere to the proper daily routine and sleep at least seven hours a day.
  8. Physical exercises. Regular charging will help keep the body toned.

Drugs that raise blood pressure

Just in case, you can stock up on medicines. But to address them better, if more loyal methods will be powerless. Raise the pressure: