Acute respiratory failure

A pronounced deficiency of oxygen in the body or hypoxia is considered a very dangerous condition, which often leads to death. Acute respiratory failure can occur against a background of various predisposing factors, but always requires emergency medical interventions.

Causes of acute respiratory failure

The most frequently observed condition develops due to the following pathologies:

Also, the syndrome of acute respiratory failure is observed when foreign substances, for example, water (drowning), and bodies enter the lumen of the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of acute respiratory failure

Signs of a pathological condition include:

It is important to note that the last indicated sign allows to differentiate the considered pathology from other states with similar symptoms, for example, a hysterical fit.

Emergency care for acute respiratory failure

First you need to call a team of doctors, describing in detail the signs of illness and the state of health of the victim. At the pre-hospital stage, first aid for acute respiratory failure is as follows:

  1. Unbutton the buttons on the clothes or remove it from the patient if it squeezes the body.
  2. Give the victim a horizontal position, slightly lifting his head and laying it on his side.
  3. Clean the oral cavity of mucus and discharge with a finger wrapped in a sterile bandage or a clean kerchief.
  4. If possible, release the nasal sinuses by means of a special pear or similar device.
  5. If there is a tongue sagging, maximally unbend the person's neck, push the lower jaw forward and press the tongue to the bottom row of teeth.
  6. Take care of maximum access to fresh air.

Treatment of acute respiratory failure

After hospitalization, doctors perform such activities:

  1. Emergency sanitation of the respiratory tract.
  2. Mechanical stimulation of a cough.
  3. Lavage and intubation of the trachea (in severe cases).
  4. Inhalation mucolytics, alkaline solutions, decongestants and hormonal drugs.
  5. Postural drainage.
  6. Unloading of a small circle of blood flow with the introduction of solutions of strophanthin, euphyllin, prednisolone, lasix or corglicon.
  7. Oxygenotherapy through oxygen mask, catheter or nasal tent.
  8. Correction of metabolic disorders through cocarboxylase, polarization mixtures, solution of vitamin B6, Panangin, sodium bicarbonate.