Sore throat - than to treat, and how quickly to get rid of the pain?

When burning, choking, tingling and similar unpleasant sensations in the throat, most people associate them with a cold or sore throat. There are other factors, because of which the throat hurts. To correctly choose what to treat these symptoms, it is important to find out why they arose.

Sore throat - Causes

In 90% of cases, the symptom in question indicates inflammatory processes in the tonsils, mainly angina and similar infections of the upper respiratory tract. Their pathogens are pathogenic bacteria and viruses, less often fungi of the genus Candida, but there are less common reasons why the throat hurts:

Sore throat - what to do?

Unpleasant sensations in the pharynx represent only a symptom of the underlying problem. To determine, than to treat a sore throat, it is necessary after finding out the exact reasons of this sign. To make a diagnosis you will have to consult a therapist, at home you can temporarily ease the discomfort:

  1. Pure or grind food, do not eat too hot, irritating foods and drinks.
  2. Try to breathe through your nose.
  3. If possible, observe voice rest. If you need to talk, do not scream and do not whisper.
  4. Monitor the humidity in the house, keep it at 60%.
  5. Drink more warm liquids.
  6. Often gargle and mouth cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  7. Refuse to smoke.
  8. If desired, eat some fruit or cream ice cream. Cold temporarily removes unpleasant sensations.

Sore throat with sore throat

Acute tonsillitis can have bacterial, viral and fungal origin. Pathology is accompanied by very pronounced symptoms, but you can not select potent drugs yourself, even if your throat hurts badly, it hurts to swallow - you must appoint an otolaryngologist to treat it. The intake of antibiotics in viral and fungal forms of tonsillitis is fraught with complications and weakening of immunity, the transition of the disease into a chronic course.

Than to treat a throat at an angina in house conditions:

Sore throat with gastritis

The described disease and other violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are often complicated by throwing into the esophagus of gastric juice or bile. This process causes heartburn and perspiration, makes swallowing difficult, sometimes provokes discomfort during a conversation. Variants, than it is possible to treat a throat in such situations, it is not enough. Symptomatic therapy is ineffective without eliminating the causes of unpleasant sensations. After the end of the action of anesthetics, negative signs will intensify.

It is important to consult a gastroenterologist if the throat hurts against the background of gastritis or other digestive pathologies - the doctor will appoint a doctor after the diagnosis is clarified. For emergency care, these medications are used:

Sore throat with allergies

The immune response to contact with irritants is rarely manifested in the form of the symptom in question, puffiness is more often observed. In such cases, it is necessary to choose how to effectively treat the throat among antihistamines, eliminating the cause of unpleasant sensations. Standard ways to alleviate the problem will not work and can even worsen the situation. Symptomatic means in no way affect the production of histamine in the body and are capable of causing negative reactions.

Against the background of an allergy, the throat hurts - the better to cure:

Sore throat with thyroid

The signs of endocrine pathologies are very specific, they are difficult to confuse with angina, heartburn and other causes of discomfort in the pharynx. In violation of the thyroid gland, there is a pressing pain in the throat when swallowing, a sense of the presence of a foreign body (com). It is impossible to get rid of these sensations independently, no analgesic drugs will help.

It is necessary to address to the endocrinologist if because of a thyroid gland the throat hurts, than to treat the given symptom, the expert will solve after an establishment of the exact diagnosis. The problem can arise against the background of both hyper- and hypofunction of the organ. To develop effective therapy, it is important to find out what endocrine disease causes this clinical picture.

Means for sore throat

When the cause of the described problem is infection, temporarily uncomfortable feelings can be alleviated by yourself. Sore throat - than to treat at home:

Than gargle with pain?

Antiseptic solutions contribute not only to decontamination of the tonsils and mouth, but also stop inflammation, soften discomfort. There are several options than gargling when it hurts. Some remedies relate exclusively to symptomatic therapy, others affect the cause of the pathology, fight its causative agent. Sore throat - than to cure:

Tablets for resorption from pain in the throat

This form of medicine produces a short-term, but instantaneous effect. Powdered lozenges, tablets and lozenges contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic ingredients that quickly eliminate discomfort, facilitate swallowing and breathing. The reason for the described symptoms such drugs do not affect. Than to treat a sick throat:

Spray from sore throat

Aerosol products work similarly to the previous form of drugs. They are a good option than treating the throat at home quickly, but they do not last long. Solutions are applied directly to the affected areas of the pharynx, instantly arrest unpleasant sensations, relieve inflammation and disinfect mucous membranes. For maximum effect, it is advisable not to eat food and drinks for 1-1.5 hours after treatment.

The fastest action is a spray for the throat with lidocaine or similar ingredients-anesthetics:

Folk remedies for sore throat

To treat the described problem with alternative recipes is as effective as pharmacological drugs. Folk remedies for severe pain in the throat instantly relieve the discomfort, some even contribute to the fight with the cause of unpleasant sensations. There are simple and multicomponent options for therapy. In the first case, you need to drink daily or eat certain foods. The throat hurts, the voice was gone - than to treat quickly:

If the use of these funds does not help, you can prepare more sophisticated folk remedies. Before using any prescription, a sensitivity test for its constituents should be carried out, some products are capable of causing severe allergic reactions. To treat the throat with alternative drugs is allowed, if after using one dose there is no negative immune response.

Sweet mixture of pain


Preparation, application

  1. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. Mix it with honey and cinnamon.
  3. Every 10-35 minutes, dissolve 1 tsp.

Rinse solution


Preparation, application

  1. Peel and grate the beets.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  3. Mix 1 cup of fresh juice with apple cider vinegar.
  4. Dissolve the salt in the liquid.
  5. Rinse your throat 3-6 times a day.
  6. Continue treatment while the throat hurts.