Chest injuries

The breast frame protects the most important human organs from damage. That is why chest injuries can be very dangerous. They pose a serious threat to the life of the victim, as often the injury is supplemented by fracture of the ribs, lung and heart damage, as well as large blood loss. It is important to timely respond to the incident and immediately deliver the patient to a medical facility.

Closed chest trauma

The defeat is typical for accidents such as accidents and falls from a height. Often with such damage, people who find themselves under the collapse of destroyed houses or underground utilities. The dull trauma of the chest is the result of strokes with blunt objects or during physical exercises.

If the organs were not touched, then no special treatment is required. However, often the patient has fractures of the ribs , which is probably a violation of the function of breathing and the development of hypoxia. It can also cause damage to the integrity of the parietal pleura and intercostal artery, which leads to the formation of large volumes of blood that accumulate in the cavity of the pleura (up to one and a half liters).

Open chest injuries

For this group of injuries, the presence of a wound is mandatory. Its occurrence is the result of knife or bullet wounds, damage to glass fragments and even blunt objects. Damage is considered as non-penetrating and penetrating. Also they are divided into passers-by and blind. The latter are the most dangerous, since the alien object remains in the body.

First aid for chest trauma

It is very important to call a doctor as soon as possible. An injury can be a great danger to health, because only an expert will put the appropriate diagnosis. To prevent the worsening of the condition, you need to take the following measures:

  1. Loosen the patient's neck and chest, remove the strap and unbutton the buttons to ensure air access.
  2. Cover the wound with a clean cloth. If the patient is cold, cover it with a veil.
  3. Talk with the victim, encourage him, try to keep him in consciousness and keep in touch with you.
  4. It is better, if the patient takes a semi-sitting position or lies on his side, you can not stack it horizontally, you can not bend your legs. But if, after all, the victim will aspire to take a comfortable position for him, then try to help him in this.