Thyme - medicinal properties and contraindications

This shrub is also known as thyme. Due to its taste and aromatic qualities, the plant is usually used in the food industry, cooking and perfumery. But for medicinal purposes, thyme can be useful - the medicinal properties and contra-indications of this phytochemical are comparable with the characteristics of highly effective pharmacological preparations.

Therapeutic properties of creeping thyme

For the treatment of various diseases, the aerial parts of the plant are used, since they contain the maximum number of the following valuable components:

Positive effects of funds on the basis of the semi- shrub under consideration:

As in alternative, and in conservative medicine thyme is widely used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Usually, drugs from it are included in complex therapy schemes for such pathologies:

Contraindications and side effects of beneficial properties of thyme

Negative phenomena in the treatment of thyme usually occur against an overdose or an individual intolerance to the components of the essential oil of the plant. They can be:

Contraindications to the use of thyme:

Given the severity of possible complications, before using the plant, you need to consult a doctor.

Useful properties of thyme and contraindications for women

In the gynecological sphere, thyme is prescribed for infectious vaginal inflammations and candidiasis, since the drugs with it are effective even in relation to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Sometimes thyme is used to stop uterine bleeding and alleviate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea.

It is important to note that during pregnancy, the described plant can not be used, it stimulates the activity of the uterus and can provoke premature birth.