Rosehip - medicinal properties and contraindications

About the medicinal properties and contra-indications of dog rose most of us have known since childhood. Grandmothers treated us with broths and infusions of this plant constantly. In addition, that this is a very effective medicine, it is also extremely useful. No wonder it attracted even professional doctors, who do not always share the views of adherents of folk methods of treatment.

The healing properties of dog rose

Rosehip belongs to the Roses family. In the people it is even so called - a wild rose. This is a shrub that can reach 2.5 meters in height. Healing properties of the plant are provided by the presence in its composition of a large amount of vitamin C. In addition to it, the dog rose contains:

The most active in medicine is the fruit. But also in flowers, petals, roots of wild rose, medicinal properties are also available. Medicines prepared on the basis of this plant:

Thanks to its medicinal properties, rose hips oil is often used as a preventive against infections. Means made from different parts of the bush also help in anemia. Sometimes they are prescribed to support the body for cancer. Some women use a decoction based on berries for weight loss.

The following are indicated for the use of rosehip medicines when:

How to brew a dog-rose correctly to use its medicinal properties?

Most often use a decoction. You can prepare it in several different ways:

  1. The whole dried berries are placed in a thermos and filled with hot water. After seven to eight hours, the liquid is filtered and a little sugar is added to it.
  2. This recipe is a little more difficult, but as practice shows, the benefits of broth, brewed in this way, it turns out more. With berries you need to remove the hairs - they can cause irritation. Fruits are crushed, poured into an open vessel and watered. Within a quarter of an hour the medicine needs to be held on fire, and then filtered.

To achieve the desired result, you need to drink the broth three times a day before eating.

When the therapeutic properties of rose hips can not be applied?

Contraindications are almost all medicines. Including the dog rose:

  1. Because of the large amount of vitamin C in the composition, it is not recommended to use medicines for people suffering from gastrointestinal tract diseases - ulcer or gastritis.
  2. After drinking rosehip, blood coagulability increases, so it should be gently drunk in patients with thrombophlebitis and the risk of increased thrombosis.
  3. Excessive use of infusions or decoctions can cause liver problems and sometimes even lead to non-infectious jaundice.