Tooth abscess

An abscess is an acute inflammatory process that develops near the root or between the tooth and the gum and is characterized by a build-up of pus and a sharp, usually throbbing pain. The cause of abscess development can be various diseases of teeth and gums (deep caries, gingivitis, pulpitis, dental cyst, granuloma and others), chipped or broken teeth, infectious process, improperly performed dental surgery or gum damage. Abscess of the tooth - the disease is unpleasant, painful, and in the absence of treatment it can pass into a chronic inflammatory process.

Symptoms of tooth abscess

The disease is acute, with the following symptoms:

In some cases, the abscess can open itself, with the expiration of pus in the mouth. At the same time, the pain sensations decrease or disappear, but in the absence of treatment the inflammatory process does not pass, but develops into a chronic one.

How to treat an abscess of a tooth?

When a dentist finds a tooth abscess, treatment, in the first place, is aimed at eliminating the focus of inflammation. Most often this is done drainage channels, in which the dentist cleans the accumulated pus and rinses the cavity with a disinfectant solution. After the treatment, if the tooth is preserved, it is most often covered with a crown.

If, by drainage, the abscess can not be cleaned, the tooth is removed and, after removal, the wound is cleaned at the location of the tooth. In some cases, when it is not possible to get through the canals to the abscess, surgical intervention is performed by incision on the gum.

Of non-surgical methods for stopping the infection and preventing its spread with tooth abscess, antibiotics are used. The most commonly used metronidazole, amoxicillin , dispersomax, trimox. Anesthetics may also be used, depending on the symptoms.

To accelerate healing, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water and salt, alternating with broths of oak bark, sage, root aira. Rinse preferably as often as possible, ideally - after each meal. If there is no possibility to use a special rinse, after each meal, rinse your mouth with warm water. In addition, you need to brush your teeth twice a day.