Inflammation of the gums - treatment at home

The inflammatory process in the mouth usually does not pass unnoticed. Because of it, the patient can feel discomfort, suffer from pain and permanent bleeding. Fortunately, inflammation of the gums is one of the diseases that can be cured at home. The main thing is not to get too involved in self-medication and consult a dentist beforehand to clarify the diagnosis and not to harm yourself.

Because of what we have to think, how can you remove inflammation of the gums at home?

All causes of inflammation can be divided into two groups: external and internal. The latter include such factors:

To external reasons, which may require treatment of gum disease in the home, include the following:

What can I do to relieve gum disease in my home?

Today in pharmacies are sold a large number of different gels and ointments, designed specifically to eliminate inflammation:

  1. Gel Holysal begins to act almost instantly - a couple of minutes after application. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Rub the product twice, three times a day. The optimal course of treatment is from five days to a week.
  2. Quickly cure inflammation of the gums at home helps the drug Dental. In its composition there is corn oil, thanks to which the drug envelops the affected areas with a mucous protective film. You need to apply it three times - four times a day.
  3. Good medicine Asepta. It promotes the speedy recovery of tissues and prevents bleeding from the gums. Many dentists recommend using the drug for preventive purposes.
  4. An excellent remedy for gum disease in the home - Solcoseryl . Produced in the form of ointment and gel. This drug is most effective in the presence of mucosal wounds, abrasions, ulcers. But even with closed inflammatory processes, the medicine copes no less effectively.
  5. Effective and available Metrogil Denta. The gel quickly eliminates inflammation and alleviates the condition.

Than gargle inflamed gums at home?

As practice shows, rinsings are no less effective way of treating inflammatory processes. For the procedure you can use pharmacy or self-prepared solutions. Of proven pharmaceuticals are well proven:

From folk remedies as soon as possible to cure inflammation of the gums at home, help decoctions and infusions:

There are other effective recipes:

  1. Overdue kefir with inflammation of the gums can be extremely useful. If you dilute it with water, it will be enough effective rinse aid.
  2. Many patients respond well about honey - it should be rubbed directly into the mucous membrane.
  3. Plantain can be used not only as a basis for decoction or infusion. It is useful simply to chew a leaflet. The juice of the plant favorably affects the condition of the oral cavity, and after a couple of days the bleeding of the gums disappears.
  4. Quite a delicious medicine is obtained from grated beets with sunflower oil. The mixture is superimposed on the mucous membrane for 20 minutes.