Psychology of sleep

Dreams are a topic that even scientists specializing in dreams prefer not to talk. Well, we can not understand until now what and why we dream! People failed to penetrate into the cause-effect chain of the most complex mechanism - the human brain. Of course, we, like any other interested person, have the right to speak about the hypotheses of sleep psychology.

Psychologists about why dreams are bad dreams

Bad dreams occupy a special place in psychology, perhaps because we are inclined to remember them, and they are the ones that make us so unsettled. With each person, even the most prosperous, there was a nightmarish limb, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and chills. All this is painfully known consequences of a nightmare.

The first thing to remember when trying to "interpret" your dream is your attendant condition. Often nightmares appear in the early stages of the disease - the internal organs begin to work at a different pace, a signal about this comes to the brain, manifesting a nightmare.

Nervous disorders, fatal events in life, any kind of disease - these are situations in which one should not be surprised by nightmares of any content. However, if there are no external causes, and the dream repeats from time to time, then your psyche wants to tell you something, and you need to disassemble this signal.

Often nightmares are a reflection of our subconscious, feelings that we suppress. We know that there are feelings that are not accepted to express - anger, jealousy, envy, but they do not go anywhere in us. Understand your problems during the day, and they will not disturb your peace at night.

Psychology of recurring dreams

Scientists believe that recurring dreams are habits and attitudes that you should change, but you do not. Sleep will repeat until you change your attitude to something real reality. In such cases, one can study psychoanalysis and try to really understand what the dream was about to say.