Gastritis with high acidity - symptoms

The modern pace of life rarely implies a full and healthy diet. People who snack fast food, drink alcohol, smoke and are in constant stress, sooner or later begin to complain of abdominal pain and indigestion. The reason for this can serve gastritis with high acidity, the symptoms of which we will consider below.

Types of gastritis

By the periodicity of the manifestation of symptoms, the disease is classified into acute and chronic gastritis with increased acidity . In the first case, there is a one-off attack, in the second - the patient faces exacerbations after brief remissions throughout life.

According to the structural features distinguish:

  1. Superficial gastritis, in which the inflammation affects the gastric mucosa is shallow.
  2. Erosive gastritis with high acidity - the lesion of the mucosa has the appearance of foci; The walls of the vessels in the diseased areas are thinned.
  3. Atrophic gastritis with high acidity - local thinning of the gastric mucosa is noted, some of its glands cease to work at all.
  4. Hypertrophic gastritis - the extreme stage of inflammation, accompanied by the appearance of growths and polyps inside the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of gastritis with high acidity

Inflammation of the walls of the stomach is due to both external factors and internal factors. To number of the first carry:

Internal causes of gastritis include:

Often, signs of gastritis with high acidity occur after severe stress: most often in this case there is an acute form of inflammation.

How does gastritis of the stomach develop with high acidity?

The patient complains of bouts of aching pain in the center of the abdomen and the left hypochondrium. Sometimes they are cutting.

The most characteristic symptom of inflammation of the walls of the stomach with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid is heartburn. The patient also complains of a belching, which is accompanied by a sour taste and a smell from the mouth. This feature is quite specific, because with a gastritis with a lowered secretion, the eructance has a rotten smell.

At the beginning of the meal and after eating, there are problems with digestion, which are expressed by bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

With an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity of a person, nausea, resulting from long breaks between meals or on an empty stomach, will be agonized. Tear out the patient can, if he ate a lot of acidic vegetables or fruits: thus the stomach gets rid of the contents with acidic medium.

For inflammation of the stomach is characterized by a decrease in appetite - this only applies to deep forms of mucosal lesions. But with superficial inflammation, the appetite remains good.

Exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

Chronic form is inherent in such a symptom as frequent heartburn, but with stress, alcohol consumption, poisoning or starvation and other manifestations of inflammation of the gastric mucosa become more pronounced.

It is worth noting that the signs of gastritis are not specific, and similar symptoms are characterized by other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, for any digestive disorders, you should consult a gastroenterologist.