How to store prunes at home?

To get a properly dried prune is not so bad, the second half is able to keep it as long as possible. At home, banks, linen and paper bags, containers or bags with a lock can help to avoid the appearance of mold. About how to store prunes at home and what containers to use in each particular case, we will talk further.

How to store dried prunes at home?

Before storing the fruits, make sure that they are whole, have no damage, stains and plaque on the surface. Well dried prunes are rather dense, do not leave any marks on the fingers when squeezed.

If you do not know how to store dried prunes, then there are several ways: the first, and most effective, to prune the prunes on paper (craft) bags or linen bags. In such a package provides the best ventilation, and therefore the prunes remain fresh for a long time. But the main thing in this method of storage is not even tare, but the chosen conditions: plums should be in a warm, dry and not illuminated place, ideally - a pantry in which there are no pests. In addition, if in the vicinity of the packaging of prunes are stored strongly smelling billets, a bag of cloth or a paper bag will easily miss all the smells.

How to store household prunes in the kitchen?

Without a pantry available, it is possible to pack prunes in containers with a tight-fitting lid: cans or plastic containers, for example. Before use, the container should be rinsed with boiling water, and then completely dried. Approximately once a week, dried plums in cans will need to be stirred to control the humidity level.

How to store dried prunes?

The storage method described below is suitable not only for dried, but also for dried prunes, provided that you use a modern refrigerator, whose chambers maintain a low level of humidity.

Since the dried prune contains more moisture than dried, keeping it fresh is much more difficult. As a rule, dried fruits are packed in small portions over containers, jars or bags with a lock, after which they are placed in the refrigerator. Weekly it will be necessary to check the moisture level in the container if condensed water drops appear on the walls, and the fruits become softer - prunes become damp, needs drying. Dry the plum in the oven, then return it to dry container.