Aloe for weight loss

Almost in every Soviet family on the windowsill one could find aloe , which was used in folk medicine and for cosmetic purposes. This plant had the status of a home healer. Now, aloe is also used for weight loss. If properly used this plant can get rid of excess weight without harm to health.

What is useful for aloe?

On the healing properties of this plant, you could write a book, but for weight loss the most important are:

  1. The ability to cleanse the body of toxins and other decomposition products.
  2. The possibility of splitting and removing fat accumulations from the body.
  3. The ability to improve digestion and increase metabolic rate.

The advantages of using scarlet inside are the fact that the lost kilograms will not return back, as often happens after consuming tablets, etc.

How to use aloe?

Useful properties are only mature leaflets, the length of which is at least 15 cm. It is better to take those whose tips have already begun to dry out. Tear off the leaves at the very base and store them in the open air no more than 3 hours, as all the useful substances will disappear. You can wrap sheets of food film and put in the fridge, then they will retain their benefits for a long time.

To get the juice, shoots should be kept for about 10 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 8 ° C. Then they should be washed, chopped, squeezed, and then filtered through several layers of gauze. The resulting juice should be boiled no more than 3 minutes.

Recipes for weight loss:

  1. Within 3 months you need to drink on an empty stomach for 30 ml of juice. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the body are activated.
  2. In herbal or chamomile tea, you need to add 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. This drink is also recommended to drink on an empty stomach.