How to stretch a woolen sweater?

As it turned out, stretching a woolen sweater is not difficult. Have you ever washed these clothes in a washing machine? Not specifically of course, but it is possible that such a thing is that at the time of haste, by mistake, they put it there. In the end, we get a sweater, suitable only to put it on the doll. But, it turns out, he can return the former form.

How to stretch a sweater, if it is small, or method # 1

So, we need to moisten a little thing, sprinkling it with ordinary water from a spray. Next, you should carefully and slowly begin to stretch the sweater. We need to start with small areas, and not pull in different directions, grabbing your favorite clothes by the sleeves. If necessary, repeat the stretching procedure. Then let it dry, but in no case do not catch on the linen wire, otherwise the sweater will change its shape again. The best option for drying this kind of clothing is the horizontal surface of the dryer for laundry. The main thing is to have patience, and the result will not be long in coming.

How to stretch a new sweater out of wool, or method # 2

In this method, the main character will be a shampoo or conditioner for the hair. So, in a container, in which in the future we dip a sweater, pour warm water. There we add about one teaspoon of baby shampoo or conditioner, which you have not used for a long time.

The next step is to dip the sweater in a container so that it is completely covered with water. We wait 30 minutes until the shampoo or conditioner will impregnate the woolen product.

We take the sweater out of soapy water and rinse it. Then we begin to stretch out small areas of clothing. Important point: hands should be close to each other. Only then will the work be done qualitatively. The last step is to start stretching the sweater again, but this time the distance between hands is 20 cm. We hang it in such a way that the necessary part continues to stretch (if the sweater has decreased in the longitudinal direction, it should be hung over the shoulders).

How to stretch a wool sweater, or method # 3

It only needs something heavy, for example, a dumbbell of a beloved guy. So, to begin with, the whole sweater, except the shoulder and throat area, should be wetted. Do not twist it, but just pull it out to the sides and up and down. Then we put it on a solid surface, stretching the part whose size should be increased. Finishing stroke - we put on it on a dumbbell.