Signs on September 22

With the advent of September, both nature and people prepare for winter, rush to stock up energy and strength until the spring. September 22 - the day of the autumnal equinox has its own signs, natural and everyday.

Signs on September 22

  1. As this day is also marked with the day of the memory of the holy righteous Joachim and Anna, who were the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, childless spouses prayed for the Lord to give them children.
  2. They give honor to young parents who have only found their first child - attention to them is considered a good sign.
  3. Signs and superstitions on September 22 required that this holiday pay attention to women preparing for childbirth, as well as midwives: it was believed that they must be treated with porridge and round pies that were baked according to a special recipe.
  4. Traveling on this day was expected by a good road and its successful completion.
  5. It was obligatory to visit the parents of the newlyweds' families: the elders looked at how they lived, whether they were able to manage the household.
  6. The guests who arrived on this day - to prosperity and prosperity, it was not important, the guest is called or uninvited.

On this day, fairs were held, accompanied by folk festivals, fun, dances - this was how the celebration of the completion of the new harvest was continued. People's signs on September 22 also concerned the state of nature.

  1. About a long autumn and the late arrival of winter evidenced a large number of cobwebs.
  2. On this day it was useful to go to the forest or in the field - the earth, nature gave man strength and energy.
  3. About the upcoming winter could be judged by the "clothes" on the bow: the more layers of husk, the colder the coming winter.
Signs on September 22 required this day to commemorate the dead - it was believed that it would be easier for them in the afterlife.

This day began the last hundred days of the year.