An onion peel in folk medicine - useful properties

Most of all the onion is familiar to us as a remedy used in the treatment of colds, as its remarkable characteristics of bactericidal effects on the body are known. But the husk from the onion has useful properties.

Chemical composition and use of onion peel

It turns out that onion husks are no less useful than onions themselves, and this benefit is determined by its chemical composition:

  1. In onion husks, vitamin E is found, which slows down the aging process, accumulates "bad" cholesterol, has a depressing effect on the development of cancer cells, is the strongest antioxidant.
  2. The healing properties of the onion husks are enhanced by the presence of vitamin C in it, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal tissues, and prevents the development of beriberi.
  3. The nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which is included in the husk, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, has a positive effect on brain activity and heart function.
  4. Decoction of onion husks has properties that allow to have a positive effect on the activity of all systems of the human body, especially during rehabilitation after complex operations, due to the presence in it of vitamins of group B. The broth is used to treat fungal diseases; it is effective for rinsing hair.

The onion husk in folk medicine has long proved its useful properties, because in it, in addition to vitamins, carotene was found, which contributes to the healing and strengthening of the whole organism, as well as biologically active compounds that prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions and strengthen the body.

Shelk from the onion has medicinal properties, which allow to strengthen immunity , to increase the body's defense against adverse environmental influences. It has an antiviral effect, which helps in the treatment of colds.

Like any medicinal product, the onion husk has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. True, the list of these contraindications is small: taking its medications is not recommended for those who suffer from increased blood coagulability. In other cases, the treatment of onion husks will have a positive effect on health.