Vitamin E in foods

Vitamin E (or, as it is also called, tocopherol) is known to us as a universal remedy for the preservation of youth, beauty and health. And all because this substance is a unique shield that protects our body from the harmful effects of free radicals. In addition, vitamin E in foods nourishes our cells with oxygen, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fights with thrombosis and even strengthens the heart.

How much should I consume vitamin E in foods?

The recommended daily intake of foods containing vitamin E should be calculated on the basis of how much of this product in this product. In a day you need:

If you observe this norm, then hypovitaminosis and its unpleasant symptoms are not terrible for you. However, do not rely on this indicator - this is only the most necessary minimum. To fully support the body needs about 200 IU.

What foods have vitamin E?

The content of vitamin E in products is distributed very specifically. This vitamin is of vegetable origin, and in production of animal origin it can be found much less often, and its content is less. Usually products containing vitamin E, we eat not every day - in what constitutes our usual diet, it is very small.

Consider in which products vitamin E in the maximum amount:

From this list it becomes evident that foods rich in vitamin E are often not included in our diet at all, and those that we are used to eat contain it in not too large quantities.

Who needs vitamin E in food?

Vitamin E has one well-known popular name - it is called the "fertility vitamin". This name caught on for a reason: the fact is that this element ensures the stable and correct operation of the gonads in both men and women. That is why during the period of pregnancy planning, each partner is recommended to take supplemental vitamin E to increase the chances of an early pregnancy. However, pregnant women and nursing mothers need this vitamin.

In the event that any kind of problems related to the work of the endocrine or nervous system, the brain or vessels are disturbed, it is necessary to increase the dose of the patient food of vitamin E (what foods contain vitamin E, you already know, so simply enrich your table with a bottle of corn oil).

It is also known that vitamin E is one of the most important elements that ensures the proper functioning of such an important organ of the human body as the heart muscle. That is why a table rich in products with vitamin E is so important for any person who has any kind of problems with the cardiovascular system (by the way, this applies to smokers).

However, whatever foods rich in vitamin E are not, in emergency cases, you need to add a pharmacy supplement to your regular diet.