How many calories are there in the apricot?

The question of how many calories in an apricot, first of all, interests those who aspire to monitor their diet and figure. From this article you will not only learn about the energy value of apricot, but also how you can use this product for weight loss.

Caloric content of apricot kernels

For a long time, the myth was spread that a bone of an apricot is dangerous because it contains poisonous substances. However, there are so few of them that you need to eat a lot of pits to poison yourself or somehow harm your health.

Apricot bone resembles a nut, and most of all resembles almonds. But its caloric content is lower than that of ordinary nuts - 440 units (for comparison, in the same almond - 645 kcal). However, this product is still difficult to call dietary, and due to high caloric value it is worth using it in limited quantities.

Caloric content of apricot per 100 grams

Fresh apricots are a fairly light product, despite the abundance of natural sugars, which give it an amazing taste. This is achieved due to the fact that all the substances in it are in a dissolved form, since apricot is a rather watery fruit.

Caloric content of apricots per 100 g is 41 units. At the same time, about 10 grams are carbohydrates, which are mainly represented by fruit sugars, 0.9 grams are proteins, and 0.1 grams are fats.

How many calories are in the 1 st apricot?

Most apricots have a "standard" size, which is not to say, for example, about apples. Each apricot, according to experts, weighs about 26 grams. By simple calculations it is possible to calculate that one such fruit accounts for about 10 calories. Do not forget - almost 3 g of each fruit is carbohydrates , which means that they represent a danger to diabetics.

How many calories are in the dried apricot?

Dried apricot is a favorite delicacy, better known as "dried apricots". Due to the fact that there is no moisture in it, all substances are in concentrated form, and the calorie content is no longer 41, but 215 units.

Dried apricots are an even sweeter and carbohydrate-rich product than apricot, so it is very cautious to include it in a diet for weight loss. If once you can afford this delicacy - it's only in the morning.

How to lose weight with the help of apricots?

Thanks to fruits, you can significantly reduce the overall calorie content of your diet, if, of course, correctly use them. We offer you the basic principles on which a diet for apricots should be made:

  1. Apricots consist mainly of carbohydrates, and, including them in the diet, it is important to maintain the right balance to consume enough protein - and this is meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese and cheese. Make sure that these products have the lowest possible fat content.
  2. Be sure to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to disperse the metabolism and lose weight as much as possible.
  3. Eat small meals 3-5 times a day, at least.
  4. The ideal snack is tea with a slice of low-fat cheese or kefir 1% fat.
  5. Apricots should be eaten up to 14-00 - after this time it is better to give up and from them, and from all other sweet foods.
  6. Your weight is unlikely to change if you do not give up flour products - it's just empty calories that provoke not only excess weight, but also cellulite .

Summarizing, it is worth noting that for breakfast it is best to eat porridge or a dish of eggs, for lunch - a light soup, and for dinner - a portion of meat with vegetables. In between these meals, you can afford 1-2 snacks and the maximum amount of water.