Persimmon for weight loss

In the autumn and winter you can hear how the ladies complain that, they say, there is nothing to lose weight. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are already behind, and what is sold on supermarket shelves all year round is unlikely to induce mono-diets and unloading days. In addition, our body has an excellent biological clock, and itself, without much zeal, reaches for fruits and herbs. What to do? How to lose weight? From such worries, even the appetite disappears.

Not our bright heads were puzzled for the first time by this state of affairs. Beginning in November, you should lose weight on late ripening fruits, such as, for example, persimmon. On the beneficial properties of persimmons, about dietary qualities, as well as about some precautions and talk more.


The fruit with an unusual and not quite euphonious name began its history back in ancient China, and presumably already thousands of years ago, a persimmon has already been used for weight loss. Further, gradually, moving and spreading from east to west, in the XIX century persimmon reached and conquered Europe.

It is easy to guess that this tree from heat-loving plants is now cultivated in Asia, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, South America and Australia. From the most "northern" plantations we know the Crimea and Transcarpathia.

So, what is the use of persimmons? Despite the east-sweet taste, a persimmon is not at all caloric. At 100 g there are 50-60 kcal. 80% of the berry (by weight, by the way, ½ kg) consists of water. All the rest is sucrose and fructose. In addition to sugar in persimmons, there are also tannins. They have bactericidal properties, that's why persimmon is recommended for colds, sore throats, runny nose.

Tannins contribute to a specific tart taste. By the way, persimmon is divided into tart and not tart, but despite this, a fully ripe fruit, in contrast to immature, completely loses its astringency.

As for vitamins and minerals, here the persimmon is not inferior to citrus and apples. Persimmon recommended for diseases of the heart, kidneys, genitals, nervous disorders. The reason is in the composition: vitamins A, C, PP, group B, potassium, manganese, copper, iron , sodium, malic and citric acids and much more.


In order to absorb all the benefits of an unusual, sunny fruit, as well as get healthier to the full, some resort to a monet diet on a persimmon. Duration - 6 days, "course" can be repeated after 1 - 1,5 months.

The essence is simple - 6 days should be eaten 1-2 kg of persimmons per day, you can drink 100 g of kefir, drink 1.5-2 liters of herbal tea or water. Persimmon is a very satisfying thing, so weight loss on a persimmon is seldom accompanied by "hungry faints".

Persimmon application

On a persimmon, as the mineral composition shows, you can not only lose weight, but also become fully healthy. For example, to increase the tone of the skin, use a toning facial mask. Mix persimmon pulp and 1 egg yolk, apply on face and hold for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Persimmon can also be treated with cough. The juice of ripe persimmons should be diluted with warm water and rinse several times a day with a throat. With diarrhea, a decoction of persimmon pulp is used, and from the bleeding gums the powder from the dry leaves of the fruit will help.


But not everything is so welcome. You can not lose weight with persimmons. Firstly, persimmon is contraindicated for diabetics and obese people because of the high sugar content. In addition, because of the content of tannins, it can not be used by people with intestinal problems:

Drinking persimmon under similar circumstances can lead to intestinal adhesions.