Transportation of animals in the plane

If you are going on a long trip or even decided to move abroad, then you simply can not send a flight without your pet, because you can not abandon the fate of a loyal friend. But, in order to avoid hassle and problems, before the flight you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules of transportation of animals in the plane. There are not so many of them, but you must follow them rigorously, because otherwise you will have to fly without your four-legged friend or carry your flight, and neither that nor the other is not a good option, so let's take a closer look at the rules to inadvertently not to break.

Transportation of pets in the airplane

The rules of how to transport a dog in an airplane do not differ from the rules, how to transport a cat in an airplane or, for example, a canary . Differences only in the size of animals, and accordingly, the cost of their flight.

Small animals, whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, are sometimes allowed to take with them to the aircraft cabin, but usually all animals fly in a special cargo compartment. The exception is only guide dogs , who are allowed to be in the salon next to the owner. In addition, guide dogs are transported for free.

Conditions of transportation of animals in the plane:

  1. Contract in advance . When buying tickets, you need to inform in advance that you will fly with your pet. If you do not provide this information in advance, then you will not be allowed to board the plane with the animal, since it will not contain any information in the database, that is, it is the same as not buying a ticket for yourself and coming with the desire to fly away.
  2. Documents . Documents are the most important part of these rules. The mustache, paws and tail here, alas, will not help. For transportation of animals in the plane, you must have accompanying documents, for which you will need to contact the veterinary control service.
  3. Container . Also a prerequisite for flying in a plane is a container for your dog, cat, etc. The container must match the size of the animal. You can buy it at any pet store.

In principle, this and all the rules, which are not so many, but to comply with them must be rigorously to avoid an unpleasant situation for you and your pet.

Transportation of animals in the plane - payment

Transportation of dogs and other animals on the plane is often paid as excess baggage, but there are other cases. For a dog whose weight exceeds 40 kg, it is necessary to buy a separate ticket and a passenger seat, which will be accordingly more expensive, that is, as already mentioned, much depends on the size.

Transportation of animals in the aircraft - details

Some countries, such as Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Sweden and New Zealand, have rather strict rules concerning the importation of animals into the country. That is, in order to go through all the inspections in this country, you need more documents than, for example, for a flight to the United States. Before traveling with an animal you need to find out all these little things so you do not have to part with your pet at your destination.

Also remember that the carrier does not bear any responsibility for your animal. That is, in case of disease, death or refusal of reception in the territory of the country to which you flew, the carrier does not owe you anything. All the time the responsibility for your pet is solely on your shoulders.

So we figured out how to transport animals in the plane. The rules are fairly simple and there are not many of them, but they must be observed.