Chakra of Swadhistan

Svadhistana is a chakra located in the pelvic area, between the pubic bones. This is the second chakra, and it has an orange tinge. Symbolizes her circle, surrounded by 5-6 petals of the lotus. Inside the circle draw another circle, a silvery month or write letters that convey the sound of the chakra - "to you."

Chakra of Swadhistan: characteristic

Characterizing the 2nd chakra, Svadhistana, it is worth mentioning that, first of all, its functioning is reflected in the sexual sphere and the sphere of creativity. In addition, she is responsible for honesty, understanding of people, self-confidence and inner strength. With this chakra are connected the sexual organs, all the body fluids (digestive juice, blood, lymph, seminal fluid), pelvis, kidneys, lymphatic system, gall bladder.

If there is an imbalance in the chakra. The following diseases are possible: allergies, constipation, muscle spasms, disturbances and depression , physical fragility, infertility, sexual imbalance, lack of libido and oppressed creative origin.

The position itself, where the chakra of Svadhistan is situated, speaks about its area of ​​responsibility: first of all it is sexual energy, creative abilities, initial emotions. If the chakra is harmonious, there are no problems in these areas, but if there are problems, the person will experience uncertainty about himself, his abilities and everything that surrounds him.

The developed chakra of Swadhistan is responsible for sexuality in the broadest sense of the word. It is associated with sexual intercourse, and with the perception of one's sexuality, and with the awareness of one's own belonging to one's sex. The choice of sexual partners , emotions associated with sex and even norms - all this absorbs Svadhistana.

Another important aspect of this chakra is its influence on creativity, the ability to create something new. The desire for change, the spirit of adventurism, curiosity and curiosity, innovation - all this gives us the sexual chakra.

If there are problems in Svadhistan, a person's interest to life, to pleasures, to knowledge of the new, to upholding one's own interests and self-fulfillment disappears. In addition, the second chakra governs and honesty. Honesty is courage, freedom from fear for one's thoughts, actions and words. Only a cowardly man is capable of lying.

Chakra of Svadhistan: Disclosure

Meditation and exercises will help in the question of how to open and develop the Svadhistana chakra. It is better to apply both, in order to achieve results sooner.

Exercise for the disclosure of Svadhistana is very simple:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and steadily put your feet on the floor.
  2. Take a deep chest breath and exhale the air, lifting the pelvis as high as possible (on exhalation).
  3. Imagine that you squeeze the breath between your legs.
  4. Relax and take the starting position.

Repeat this exercise for at least 5 minutes in a row every day for about a month, until you begin to feel tingling, warmth or cold in the chakra area.

Another way to reveal it is meditation. Give yourself literally 10-20 minutes a day for this practice:

  1. Accept the lotus position, straighten your back.
  2. Deeply inhale and exhale. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration.
  3. Erase the limits of inhalation and exhalation. Breathing should be as continuous as possible.
  4. Breathe in this way for several minutes in order to develop a habit.
  5. Imagine a bright orange chakra in the appropriate place.
  6. Spend about 10 minutes.

After a while you will begin to clearly feel any physical signs of the chakra - tingling, burning, cold, etc. This indicates that the goal is achieved and the chakra is uncovered.