How to open the third eye?

When a person is born, his third eye is completely open. However, over time it completely closes and the subconscious so blocks it, that we do not notice its presence throughout life. Why is this happening? Because when we grow up, everyone tries to impose their own illusions, fears and guesses on us, thus creating confusion in our head and replacing our own idea of ​​the world, the representation of those around us.

A child is a clean canvas, he believes in everything that his parents, friends, teachers in general, all who surround him say. The pure experience with which he came to this world is obscured by what he is taught throughout his life, whether thoughts, assessments, or emotional responses. To return to the original appearance there are many methods of opening the third eye.

Today we have to answer the question: "How to open the third eye quickly?" And study this difficult knowledge with the help of various exercises and techniques.

Exercises to open the third eye

  1. Sit down and relax, taking a comfortable position and keeping your back straight. Breathe calmly, evenly and deeply.
  2. Close your eyes and mentally look at the area between the eyebrows.
  3. Imagine in this place a rotating blue ball or if it is more convenient for you to imagine a drop-out lotus flower or a vortex that also rotates. Direction of rotation does not make much difference, you can choose it intuitively.
  4. Take a slow deep breath and mentally imagine how in this same ball, located between the eyebrows drawn shining blue energy (the frequency of the chakra).
  5. Slowly exhale and imagine how the energy fills the ball and thickens in it.
  6. Repeat the done energy breath-exhalation exercises for 15 minutes. To start this time will be quite enough. Perhaps, at the end of practice you will feel a strong pressure between the eyebrows - do not be scared, this is normal. It means only that you did everything right.

Meditation is the opening of the third eye

To start meditative practice, you need to completely relax, taking a convenient position for you body. You should be comfortable. Relax the mind and body, release all external stimuli and emotions, shake yourself and get down to business. Give your brain a command to get rid of all thoughts and emotions and accept a state of tranquility and serenity.

Focus on the breath, close your eyes and direct your inner look at the area between the eyebrows. Very soon you will notice in that very spot a glowing dot, keep looking at it. Let this light fill you, be attentive and calm. Feel the warm glow fill your body. The more you open your mind, the more truth you will open. You will begin to perceive our reality in a different way. You will see inner beauty, love and light, who will never leave your mind. You will understand that everything that previously seemed to you a "reality" was just a performance played out for you. This technique of opening the third eye will show you that you are part of something divine and will allow you to get rid of fears and doubts forever.

Now you know how to use the practice of opening the third eye to return to the state from which the world once brought us. By learning to open your third eye, you will stop experiencing fear and replace it with beautiful feelings of joy and bliss. It's time to find the true self that you once lost on the pathways of a hard road called life.