Onion on a feather in a greenhouse

Those who have their own backyard, you do not need to buy greens in supermarkets in winter, because you can grow it yourself. In winter, when the body already feels a lack of vitamins, the greens of onions will be very welcome. It can be consumed daily and decorated with festive dishes.

Growing onions in winter in the greenhouse

Before growing onions in a greenhouse, you need to build a very greenhouse. To do this, any handy materials - boards, slats, glass or old window frames - are suitable. It should be borne in mind that in places with severe winters it is undesirable to use cellophane film instead of glass, because it can become worthless, and then the entire crop will die. If you approach business on an industrial scale, the best option is a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Since autumn, it is necessary to prepare a nutritious primer on which the onion will grow. It is desirable that it is a mixture of manure or compost (1 bucket per 1 sq.m.) with superphosphate (30 g per meter) and potassium chloride (15 g per meter).

The most basic when growing onions on a pen in a greenhouse is its heating in the winter. The source of heat can serve as a burzhuyka, brick oven or electricity.

It is important that at night the temperature inside the room does not fall below + 12 ° C, and in the daytime it was not less than + 19 ° C. And since without good lighting, any plant will not grow well, the onion will have to be illuminated with fluorescent lights.

Yield of green onions in a greenhouse

If you choose the right varieties, growing green onions in the greenhouse will be more successful. After all, not everyone knows that the forcing of a pen is not suitable for a common onion, because in winter it has a period of rest and good greenery from it will not work.

For autumn-winter cultivation is well suited onions , lettuce and leeks. They have juicy and fleshy greens, which is great for a winter diet.