Grass of mocrica

Mokrytsa is a grass that is visually completely unremarkable. This annual plant has a creeping branching stem, covered with hairs, and leaves are rounded-oblong in shape. Many believe that the grass is a weed is a weed, but it has a whole set of medicinal properties.

Useful properties of woodlice

As part of the lice, a sea of ​​nutrients. It contains:

Also in this plant there are minerals: magnesium, iron, copper. Useful properties of grass mochritsa are that it has an emollient, analgesic, expectorant and diuretic effect. Very often it is used as a remedy that stops blood.

This plant perfectly restores the normal work of the heart. With it, you can lower your blood pressure. But in addition, that the grass mocrice treats the cardiovascular system, it also has an antiseptic effect, and also restores the nervous system and tones the entire human body.

How to use woodlice?

Grass is often used in folk medicine. With hemorrhoids, ailments that have affected the liver and kidneys, as well as diseases of the thyroid gland, it is best to make juice out of it. It is in it that the maximum concentration contains vitamin E, which helps:

For treatment of grass, mocryca is used and fresh. For example, with severe fatigue of the legs, its stems should be simply put in shoes - pain and tension will go away in just 30 minutes.

From fresh lice, you get an excellent vitamin salad. To do this, her stems are cut and add to them a green onion, a few boiled eggs and sour cream.

It is easiest to use this plant in the form of infusions and broths, prepared from its leaves, stems and flowers. For example, infusion of bacon can be buried in the eyes with diseases of the cornea, drink stomach ulcer or cough, as well as smear them with the skin when rashes appear. And from the broths of lice, you can prepare medicinal baths. They must be taken to those who have festering wounds and ulcers on the skin or scrofula. From infusions and broths you can make and lotions, which help to cope with rheumatism and radiculitis.

Serious contraindications to the use of grass was not found. The main thing is to use it carefully with people who have a very low blood pressure, because it can significantly reduce it.

Curative recipes with lice

Grass has a wide application. But with every disease you should use different recipes with it:

  1. For example, if you suffer from eye diseases, then make an infusion of 20 g of fresh herb and 200 ml of warm water. Such a preparation must not be shaken before use.
  2. And to strengthen nerves it is necessary to take 30 g of raw material for 200 ml of water.
  3. With pain in the intestines and stomach, as well as with problems with the thyroid gland from the grass of the apple tree, it is best to make a tincture. Her prepared from 20 g of fresh raw materials and 300 ml of high-quality vodka. After mixing the ingredients, leave the container for 14 days.
  4. If you have a chronic gastritis, you will need to take the tincture not in its pure form, but dilute it with water a little.
  5. For the treatment of fibroids, cysts and erosion, it is necessary to use a decoction of licorice from 40 g of grass and 500 ml of boiling water. Ingredients should be simmered in a water bath for at least 30 minutes, and then strain and bring filtered water to the original volume.
  6. If you are concerned about dizziness, it is better to make the same decoction, but from 50 grams of lice.