Root of ayr - medicinal properties

One of the most famous medicinal herbs is the Tatar sabernik or the ayr marsh. In folk medicine, the underground part of the plant is used: the medicinal properties of the root of the calamus allow one to get rid of many diseases, making it an invariable component of most herbal dues.

What is useful for the root of calamus for the stomach?

The rootstock contains essential oils and glycoside of acorin, which, acting as a natural bitter, affects taste buds, enhances appetite and stimulates the production of juice in the stomach. For these purposes, use both tincture and dry powder of root aira, the properties of which are especially pronounced.

Tatarsky sabelnik helps to get rid of flatulence, thanks to carminative and disinfecting effect, as a whole improves digestion, strengthens bile secretion.

Indications for use of calamus

With the cessation of the production of hydrochloric acid (achillium) and other violations of gastric secretion, the healing properties of the root of ara come to the rescue. Prescribe medications on its basis with flatulence, and intestinal colic.

Some pharmaceutical products include air powder, for example - in "Vikair" and "Vikalin", used for diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

Benefits of tincture and broth of root aira

The drug is indicated for patients with diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder. Air removes convulsions, because it is irreplaceable in certain disorders of the nervous system.

Useful properties of the root of the calamus made the infusion of it a favorite among folk remedies for the treatment of female diseases. The product is used for syringing or sedentary baths.

Get rid of the pain of rheumatic origin will help grind the joints with decoction or infusion, which is also taken inside as an expectorant and antiseptic drug in abscess lungs, pneumonia.

Gadgets from the insides of the Tatar sabelnik save from depriving, and with fever and flu, the drug is drunk as a substitute for cinchona bark.

Other uses

Due to the presence of terpenoids in the root of the ayr, it is an antispasmodic, and it also strengthens blood vessels, which positively affects the work of the heart, memory and even vision.

Due to the wound healing effect, ayr helps in a short time to get rid of long-term ulcers, scurvy, festering wounds. Use drugs based on aira in the treatment of dropsy, inflammation of the renal pelvis and even typhoid and cholera.

It is useful to take a decoction of rhizomes of the plant after a severe infectious disease and physical exhaustion of the body.

Air for prevention

Earlier, the root of the Tatar sabelnik was recommended for those who want to quit smoking.

If the teeth are aching or there is inflammation in the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis or even sore throat), rinsing with the root of the root of ara is appropriate, the benefit of which is also in refreshing the breath.

The plant will be appreciated by ladies who are trying to strengthen hair growth : a decoction of air, thistles and hop cones prevents loss and makes the hair thicker.

At some kinds of a lesion of nails dermatologists advise to strew their powder from a root of a plant or to make lotions with an infusion.

be careful

Healing properties of the root of ara may not provide recovery or even damage if taking drugs based on it:

Since ayr lowers the blood pressure level, hypotonic drugs should be careful when treating it with drugs. Before starting to take a decoction or tincture of aura, consult a doctor. And exceeding the dosage of the drug can cause vomiting.