Judgment as a form of thinking

Judgment is a logical form that is used to initiate the thought process. The very notion is not thinking . It begins when something is denied or confirmed when a comparison and description of the properties, forms of the object or phenomena occurs. This is precisely the role that judgment plays as a form of thinking.

Judgments often take the form of narrative sentences. For example: "The earth revolves around its axis" is a thought expressed in the form of a judgment. Judgment can be true or false. What is it and how to determine the degree of truthfulness, the work of logic.

Simple and complex judgments

Judgment as a logical form of thinking can be simple and complex. A simple proposition consists of one subject and its characteristics, or it can consist in comparing two subjects. The main distinguishing feature of simple judgments is the fact that, being divided, words of simple judgment do not have in themselves the properties of judgments. For example:

"Grass is less than Grenoble" - this is a comparison of the two subjects, in doing so, divide it into two parts and you do not get meaning.

Complex judgments are combinations of several judgments:

Its parts separately make sense, at least, the semantic value must be in one sentence segment. For example: "If the summer is dry, the probability of forest fires increases." In this case, the particle "the probability of forest fires increases" can act as a full-fledged simple judgment.


Complex judgments, as a form of logical thinking, also contain specific grammatical links, which combine two simple judgments. This - "but", "and", "or", "if ..., then", "and ..., and ....", Etc.

Difference between Judgment and Other Forms of Thinking

Judgments are often confused with concept and inference, which are related forms of thinking. A simple characteristic will help to see the obvious difference.

The concept is this generalizing form of thinking. It consists of an expression of the unity of systems, general properties, systems of thoughts. A simple example is the concept of "man", which simultaneously speaks about humanity in general, about all people, and also makes it clear the difference between man and the rest of the world.

Inference is the conclusion, the natural result of judgments. This process implies the presence of the initial judgment, from which, through the mental activity of man, a conclusion is born - or a new judgment.