Dysmorphophobia or perception disorder of one's own appearance

The appearance of each person is individual and attractive in its own way. The desire to become more beautiful for yourself and others is commendable, but when it does not turn into an obsession . Otherwise, psychotherapists diagnose such a disorder as dysmorphophobia.

Dysmorphophobia - what is it?

Specialists in psychiatry say that dysmorphophobia is a mental disorder in which a person is too worried about minor defects or features of his own body. Often this disease is observed in adolescence in the representatives of both sexes and in some cases provokes suicide.

Among the complaints of patients - several or one specific imperfection in appearance, features. As a result of the oppressed psychoemotional state in humans:

Dysmorphophobia - psychology

Dysmorphophobia in psychology is a "syndrome of discrepancy to the ideal." The person himself creates certain ideals and constantly compares himself with them, but always loses. He believes that if he only achieves compliance with the standard, he will become happy and successful, and before that he is an outcast in society. The patient assumes that all his imperfections are seen by others and constantly discussed, because of what he is all the time in a tense state.

Dysmorphomania and dysmorphophobia

Dysmorphophobia and dysmorphomania are forms of mental disorder that are characteristic of adolescents and young people between the ages of thirteen and twenty years. They express themselves in discontent with their own appearance, individual features or figure. Such disorders can occur sporadically after criticism of others or be of a permanent nature.

By dysmorphomania is understood a deeper mental disorder of the psychotic level. In such cases, confidence in the presence of physical imperfections may even acquire a delusional character. Often, the disease is considered anorexia nervosa , as an example of dysmorphomania, when there is a depressed mood, isolation, behind which lies the desire to disguise their own experiences and at any cost get rid of defects.

Dysmorphophobia - Causes

Specialists identify such causes of the disease:

  1. Shortcomings in the upbringing of children . Because of the wrong behavior of parents and other relatives, the life of adolescents can become more complicated. If you criticize a child often, this will further exacerbate the situation.
  2. Inconsistency with environmental standards . A child may feel insecure where there are different standards in appearance.
  3. Age changes in appearance . Not always teenagers calmly perceive changes in their appearance. Girls during this period can be excessively worried because of the presence of acne, hair on the body and the size of the breast, which can result in a disease of dysmorphophobia. For guys, the occurrence of such an ailment as penile dysmorphophobia may be relevant, which is manifested in concerns about the size of the penis.
  4. Postponed trauma . Their traces may be left behind by the traumas suffered by adolescents, both physically and mentally.
  5. Features of character . Excessively worried about their own appearance people with such traits as timidity, insecurity .
  6. Propaganda of ideal appearance by mass media . Watching television shows and reality shows about miraculous reincarnations can provoke the appearance of phobias.

Dysmorphophobia - symptoms

To help a person in time, it's important to know everything about the dysmorphophobia syndrome. This mental disorder has the following symptoms:

  1. Mirrors - people regularly look in the mirror and other reflective surfaces in order to find the most profitable angle in which the defect will not be noticeable.
  2. Photos - the patient completely refuses to be photographed under various pretexts.
  3. The desire to hide his defect - a person wears baggy clothes or regularly uses cosmetics.
  4. Excessive care for their appearance - hair combing, skin cleaning, shaving, plucking eyebrows.
  5. Asking relatives and friends about their imperfections.
  6. Excessive enthusiasm for diets and sports.
  7. Refusal to leave the house or go out at a certain time.
  8. Problems in the relationship - personal and friendly.

Dysmorphophobia - treatment

When this mental illness is discovered, it is important to know how to treat dysmorphophobia. The first thing you need to do is to turn to an experienced specialist, because you rarely get rid of the disease yourself. Statistics say that these methods of treatment give positive effects and help a person start a new life:

  1. Fear of imperfection is successfully treated with the help of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
  2. Among drugs prescribe antidepressants SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors):