
First, let's look at what a vice is. This is a moral defect, an opposition to good. Also vice is a violation of the norm. Unfortunately, there are no ideal people, every person is sinful. Therefore, in order to start living properly, you need to know what to fight with.

From greed to laziness

There are seven generally accepted human sins - laziness, gluttony, pride , lust, greed, anger and envy. The list of human vices can be infinitely expanded, these seven stand out especially for the reason that they result in other sins.

These seven major human vices, discussed in this article, persecute each person throughout his life. It must also be remembered that sins differ in meaning. For some people is guilty before himself and his faith, for others - in front of people.

There is such a view that pride is the most terrible of all sins, and this is due to the fact that a person challenges the Almighty.

  1. vice: laziness ( apathy , depression, idleness). This lack of diligence, or even its absence, lazy people do not benefit the society. But at the same time, laziness is necessary for the body to retain strength for further activity.
  2. vice: gluttony, gluttony . It is the love of delicious food consumed in large quantities. One type of gluttony is the consumption of alcohol. Excessive consumption of food harms lovers tasty food.
  3. vice: anger (it also includes fury, the desire to avenge, malice). This is a negative emotion, directed at a sense of injustice, while a person feels a desire to get rid of this injustice.
  4. vice: greed (greed, miserliness). The desire to get as much material wealth as possible, while the person does not have a sense of proportion.
  5. vice: envy (jealousy). It is a person's desire to have the same thing as someone's more successful, while the person is ready to go to much.
  6. vice: pride (pride, arrogance). Selfishness, excessive pride, arrogance. A person who possesses this quality, boasts about himself to the surrounding people, believes that for everyone there is only one correct point of view - his.
  7. vice: lust (debauchery, fornication, lasciviousness). This is a gross sexual attraction, it is a forbidden passion, secret desires. Also, it can be absolutely any desire that can provide a person with certain inconveniences and anguish.

Sociologists conducted an interesting survey and made a "hit parade" of these deadly sins. So, the leaders became anger and arrogance, the last place was taken by laziness and greed.