Change of world view

In English, for the term "revaluation of values" there is an analogue, which literally translates as "search for the soul." This is really so: the system of values ​​of a person determines his life choices, activities and environment.

Reassessment of life values ​​is not an easy task, and at the same time it is a pleasant effort. If you feel that it's time to stop and revise your life principles, the following tips will help you.


First of all, allow yourself to be "in suspense". If the old principles no longer work and there is something wrong with them, it is quite normal - to take a break, think and reconfigure.

Incidentally, by the way, go to the mountains or to the sea to think about yourself, the past and the future. If this is not possible, simply continue to perform your daily duties, but leave yourself a place and time for reflection and relaxation. A person, exhausted physically and morally, can not make reasonably reasonable decisions.

Here and now

The problem of reevaluating both spiritual and material values ​​is precisely how to be able to share tactics and strategy. Many people call a "reassessment" an attempt to slightly change the rhythm of life or throw something out of it that interferes. Always think not only about what you want, but also about why and why you want it. What should be your life after fulfilling this desire ?

Thinking about what you see your future life, ask yourself a few leading questions. What did you want to become as a child? Is this dream actual now? What do you really appreciate and how do you want to see the nearest environment? What are your strengths? And a very important question - what are your weaknesses, and how can they be used to improve your life?

All these answers will eventually merge into one, and very important: why do you live at all?