Weight loss massage massage

Massage rooms are becoming increasingly popular as a panacea for many ailments. For example, can massage for weight loss is effective at any age and for any weight category. The main advantage of the massage is that during the procedure the outflow of lymph and blood increases, and this leads to the fact that the tissues of the body receive their oxygen charge and, accordingly, accelerate the metabolic processes.

How to properly hold a can of massage massage?

The can, or in another way, vacuum massage for weight loss is in demand because of its simplicity and quick effect. This course can be held both in the salon and organized at home. This requires silicone jars, which can be purchased at the pharmacy and moisturizing cream or oil for massage .

We put on the problem area of ​​the body cream, then put the jar: a vacuum forms on the spot, and the jar "grows" to the skin. Slowly move the jar over the skin. First, there may be discomfort and pain in some places. In a couple of days, bruises may appear. But do not worry: the result is worth it! For example, a can of massage for slimming legs should be repeated at least once every three months for 8-10 sessions. Do not forget that massage can be done only two hours before or after a meal.

Hardware massage for weight loss has a number of contraindications: varicose veins, pregnancy, lactation, skin or postoperative period. It is done with the help of a special device, which is a small jar attached to the device by a hose. The masseur, clutching the mechanism in his hand, leads them, gently pressing, to the problem areas. The goal is to rid the skin of the "orange peel". This is the anti-cellulite massage for weight loss in the classical version.

There is another kind of massage that promises an excellent result after the first session - it's a lymph drainage massage for losing weight. Due to the fact that the movements of the masseur are rather slow, the outflow of lymph is as slow in comparison with the flow of blood. Therefore, even the first time you can lose in volumes up to 5 cm. But do not forget about contraindications: pregnancy, breast-feeding, severe injuries, kidney diseases and skin diseases. The peculiarity of this procedure is that to preserve the positive effect you can not eat food and water for two hours after the end. And the next day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.