Care for the plum - good advice for a good harvest

Plum tree gives juicy fruit with a sweet taste. If you provide quality care for the plum, it will for many years delight the rich harvest of fleshy fruits that are widely used in fresh form, frozen, canned in the form of juices, compotes, jelly, jam.

Rules for planting plums

Aromatic plum is a tree, reaching a height of 15 m., It bears fruit about 15 years. Most of the roots of the plant lie at a depth of 20-40 cm, they are pivotal. Rusty plum can be in a bright place, in any soil, preferably loose and fertile. A good time for its rooting is spring or autumn. When choosing a place, it is important that the seedling is not obscured by neighboring plants. For reliable rooting of the plum planting and care for it must be done competently. This will ensure that the plant does not die or will not refuse to bear fruit.

Rules of planting plums in spring

In regions with a cold climate, the planting of plum tree is carried out in the spring in April, before the kidneys are opened. It takes root at a distance of at least two meters from groundwater. Principles of planting a plum tree:

Plum planting in autumn

If the terrain is mild winter, it is allowed to plant trees in the autumn, having prepared the plot in advance. The plum is planted in September, before the frost. The selected site should be slightly elevated so that in the winter a layer of snow does not accumulate around the tree. The rules of autumn plum planting:

Pruning and formation of plums

To increase the fertility of the tree, autumn, summer, spring pruning of the plum is performed. She loves chaotically weaving branches, which causes their damage, thickening of the crown, the loss of the possibility of new shoots or a decrease in yield. Procedures for the decoration of the crown are carried out from the beginning of the rooting of the tree and continue steadily throughout his life.

Prune pruning after planting

The tree is advised to start pruning in the state of the seedling, as it forms many extra shoots. Care is reduced to modeling skeletal branches with strong kidneys. The first pruning of the plum when planting in spring is held in March:

Further in the summer, in the second half of July another plum trimming is done:

Prune young plum

The following years also significantly affect the design of the contours of the tree. On the fruiting specimen, a minimal localization of the branches is carried out, directed to the formation of a dense crown of regular shape, disposal of incapacitated shoots. Pruning a young plum in the spring with the awakening of the kidneys involves shortening the stem barrel by two-thirds. Such care will not allow the plant to quickly gain altitude. In the summer in July, cuttings of plum branches up to 20 cm are trimmed. In the following seasons, all crossed and spoiled side branches are removed.

The center conductor is cut two-thirds every year until the seedling gets the maximum for its grade. The crown should have the shape of a pyramid with a spreading base, caring for the plum in terms of pruning provides for a radical removal of all improperly growing shoots. As a framework leave 5-6 strong branches. They should grow in different directions with an angle of inclination of about 50 degrees. To carry out the work you need a secateur or a hacksaw. All the slices are coated with a garden so that the tree does not get sick.

Trimming an empty plum

Work with the trimming tree is performed in order to maximize its operational period, without changing the size and taste of the fruit. For overgrown crowns, the pruning rules for spring plums include:

Rejuvenating pruning prunes

As soon as the garden tree exhibits signs of growth decay (chopping plum fruits, shoots increase only 10-15 cm a year), rejuvenating pruning is performed. With it dry, sick, old and sagging branches are removed, fresh shoots are not touched. The main trunks are cut into three to four years old wood - the lateral branches are removed on the old skeleton. This allows the tree to bear fruit at a venerable age. Rejuvenating pruning of the old plum by experienced gardeners is planned for early spring. All spili are applied garden var.

In place of remote branches, young shoots are emerging. In order not to overload the plum, the two strongest ones remain, the rest are removed in the middle of summer. Rejuvenating pruning is broken down for 3-4 years and carried out in several stages. If you do everything in one season, the old plum can not stand and finally wither. Properly conducted procedure will help her bear fruit for several more years.

Trimming the grafted plum

Plants can grow at the expense of young animals on their own roots, or with the help of grafts grafted into the crevices. So gardeners can seek to multiply specimens, a combination of different varieties of plums. It is important for the plant to form the shape of the crown in the first season. Rules for pruning the plum grafted from the rootstock (root):

How to care for the plum?

The content of such a tree has features that distinguish it from other plants in the garden. Plum - proper care and cultivation:

  1. Watering. This is a very moisture-loving plant. It is required to closely monitor the weather and water the plum once a week during a drought (5-6 buckets for an adult specimen, 3-4 for a young one). A sign of a lack of moisture - a crack on the fruit, the excess of water the crown reacts with the yellowing of the leaves.
  2. Winter care for the plum. In the cold season it is recommended to trample down the snow around the trunk, to chip it off the branches.
  3. Care for the barrel circle. It should be no less than 2 m., It should be regularly loosened and weed removed. The shoots from the roots weaken the plant - it needs to be cut 4-5 times during the summer straight from the main stock.
  4. Supports. With a high yield, the load on the fruit branches is great - they are strengthened with pegs, softened rags at the point of contact with the bark.

Care for the plum in spring - spraying

Pests destroy plants, special means are used to combat them. Plum - competent care for the tree in terms of spraying:

Care of the plum - top dressing

The first 2-3 years after planting the seedlings, there are nutrients in the pit. With the subsequent care of the plum you need fertilizing, which pours out on the previously loosened soil:

  1. In the autumn: organic - an infusion of mullein, slurry, diluted with water 3-5 times or bird droppings 10 times;
  2. Plum in the spring - care and planned top dressing with mineral compounds: