Raspberry - diseases and fighting with them

Raspberry is susceptible to diseases of fungal and viral etiology. They threaten with a decrease in yield and plant death, because the diseases of garden raspberries need to be able to quickly recognize and take appropriate measures.

Viral diseases of raspberries and their treatment

The most common viral diseases of raspberries are infectious chlorosis, curliness, bushy dwarfism, mosaic. The causative agents of diseases are transferred by insects (aphids, mites, nematodes), the variant of infection by viruses through the garden tool, and also through the pollen from the infected plant to the healthy one is not excluded.

To cure a bug that has fallen ill with a virus disease it will not be possible any more, it must be immediately eradicated and burned. To prevent further spread of the disease, you need to determine the cause and conduct preventive work.

Chlorosis or jaundice raspberry is manifested in early summer. The disease causes a gradual yellowing of raspberry leaves, starting from veins. Affected leaves are asymmetrically twisted and wrinkled. Shoots become thinner, stretch in length, berries on the affected bush shrink, deform and dry out.

The curliness of raspberries is carried by aphids and nematodes. The disease is manifested in the fact that the leaves become stiff, dark green and bend downward. Fruit twigs are deformed, their tips wither.

Bushy dwarfism has no vectors among insects, a disease with pollen is transmitted. The disease manifests itself on raspberry berries as loosely connected drupes - the so-called "rassypukha". Productivity is reduced by half. Damaged as well and leaves of raspberries - on them areas between veins turn yellow.

Mosaic is a collective name for a number of viral raspberry diseases, such as the chlorosis of veins, annular spotting, yellow mesh. Viruses of these diseases are transferred from aphids.

Fungal diseases of a raspberry and struggle against them

The diseases caused by fungi include anthracnose (violet spots on shoots and leaves), rust (yellowish brown protuberances on leaves and sores on shoots), white spotting (small round spots on leaves, stems and berries), purple spots on stems and shoots).

Than to treat a raspberry from mushroom illnesses or diseases:

  1. It is necessary to remove and burn all affected parts of the plant.
  2. Soil the soil and treat with fungicides such as "Kuproksat", "Oxihom", etc.
  3. Carry out a preventive spraying with Bordeaux liquid or "Nitrafen".