10 most idiotic and dangerous entertainments of teenagers

At all times, adolescents liked risky entertainment, but now something extraordinary happens ...

Scientists explain the love of adolescents to the risk of metabolic and hormonal features of the body. In addition, it is very important for teenagers to recognize peers; in order to earn the respect of others, they are ready for insane deeds.

So, 10 dangerous entertainments of teenagers, which will terrify any adult.

48-Hour Challenge game

Now among the teenagers is gaining popularity a virtual game called "48-Hour Challenge" (48-hour call). The essence of the game is that the teenager must leave home and hide from his parents for at least two days. For this player points are awarded. The highest estimate will be given to the one whose disappearance will become the most resonant. The most terrible thing in this game is that a teenager is able for two days to coolly not letting himself know, while his parents go crazy with anxiety. Yes, at this age the desire to be "cool" and stand out among peers may be stronger than empathy for the closest people ...

Game "Run or Die"

Periodically from different cities of Russia and Ukraine, there are reports of a new deadly entertainment for teenagers - a game called "Run or Die." The meaning of this fun is that children run across the road as close to the passing car. Either skip ahead, or not ...

Selfies on power line support

Power line supports are very attractive for teenagers: climbing to the very top, you can admire the surroundings from a bird's eye view, and also make an extreme selfi. Unfortunately, this adventure can end tragically. It is not uncommon for teenagers, who climbed to the supports, to die from electric shocks. It is worth remembering that in order to get a deadly electric trauma, it is not necessary to touch the wires at all; The voltage of electricity in them is so high that damage by current can occur through the air.


Zatseping is a train or train journey from the outside of the vehicle, for example on a roof or a footboard. The most "cool" for the hook is considered to be the passage on the high-speed train "Sapsan". Their "achievements" teenagers usually shoot on video and spread on the Internet.

The hobby is very dangerous: every year in Russia dozens of cases of trauma and death of people passing on the outside of trains are recorded. The most common causes of deaths: falling from a train, electric shock, collision with any obstacle while driving.


Shoplifting is called shoplifting, committed not so much for profit, as for the sake of thrills. All stolen shopliftery photographed and posted on the Internet to show off their achievements. In the future, stolen items are sold through free ad sites or even thrown out as unnecessary.

In the "art" of purchasing, there are many subtleties. You need to know how not to get on CCTV cameras, to deceive guards and to make devices to bypass frames. Some shopliftery have perfected their skills before that they manage to take out small TVs and smartphones from shops.

In the event that a teenager who is entertained in this way is caught, his parents will have to pay a fine, and he himself may face corrective work or restriction of freedom.


Under diggery is the study of all kinds of underground structures: basements, ventilation shafts, abandoned tunnels, etc. Their sorties diggers are filmed and posted on the Internet. The faces they usually cover, since in Russia diggery is forbidden. Some advanced diggers even conduct excursions, showing tourists the beauty of the underworld.

Despite the romanticism, this hobby is very dangerous: no one is immune from caving and poisoning by underground gases.


If diggers like to spend time under the ground, they prefer places close to the sky - roofs and lofts. Most of the followers of Rufing live in St. Petersburg, where the houses are close to each other, and on the roofs you can go a few miles. To penetrate the attic, and then onto the roof, the ruffians resort to all sorts of tricks: from hacking the locks to scrambling along the drainpipe.


Skywalking is walking on the highest and dangerous objects without insurance. Skywalkers conquer towers and bridges, balance on the arrows of building cranes. They do not take anything with them except for cameras. Of course, this hobby is extremely dangerous.

Games with Asphyxiation

Recently, this dangerous activity has become quite popular among children and adolescents. The essence of it is this: first a teenager increases his pressure with squats or quick breathing, then tightens his rope around his neck and immediately weakens it. After these manipulations, there comes a short-term loss of consciousness and hallucinations.

Needless to say, this fun can lead to very tragic consequences, especially if the teenager "has fun" alone. If you do not have time to loosen the rope in time, then in the brain will come oxygen starvation, which can result in death.

The game "Salt and ice"

The essence of the game is this: an ice cube is placed on the player's body, which is sprinkled with salt. From the effect of cold ice, the skin becomes inflamed. When the inflamed area gets salt, the player begins to experience a hell of pain.

According to the rules of the game, the one who longest tolerates the presence of salt and ice on his body wins. But pain alone is not limited to: salt corrodes the skin, leaving terrible scars. There are cases when this game led to chemical burns of the third degree.