Top dressing of courgettes

Growing zucchini is not so difficult, but the size of the fruit and the quality of the harvest depend largely on proper care and nutrition in particular. Top dressing zucchini in the open ground occurs in several visits and we will get acquainted with this process below.

Extra nutrition and care for courgettes

To begin with, planting this crop is best done with a seedling method: the plants are more robust, and it's much easier to work with them on the site. So we will conditionally divide the zucchini by two stages: first we will feed the seedlings themselves, then on the beds in the open ground.

To feed zucchini in the mixture for planting seeds, make nutrients. Approximately one bucket of prepared soil mixture we prepare 30 g of superphosphates, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium sulfate . It is recommended, at this stage, to make zucchini extra zucchini: there is enough glass on the bucket.

After the seedlings are ready for planting, you can start feeding zucchini directly on the beds.

  1. First time we add infusion of mullein or slurry about two weeks after disembarkation.
  2. The second feeding of courgettes is carried out during flowering. Complex fertilizers will be needed here. Proper feeding of courgettes during flowering is the key to a good harvest. To do this, in a ten-liter bucket of water dilute ready-made fertilizers for vegetables, as well as about a glass of ash.
  3. When the fruiting period has begun, the third feeding is carried out. This time you can also use infusions of mullein or bird droppings, superphosphates.

Very well, this culture also responds to foliar top dressing. For this, urea is bred in water and bushes are sprayed. If you decide to use the foliar method, you need to process the bushes every two weeks. It is important to always follow all recommendations on packages, so as not to damage the plant and do not burn it.