How to wash the tonic off the hair?

Women like to experiment with the color of curls, especially for these purposes, tint balms are popular. They allow you to achieve the desired effect, but do not spoil the strands like a persistent paint. Often the fitting of a new image ends in failure or an unsatisfactory result, after which the search for ways to wash the tonic off the hair begins. Usually, options with instant action are required, since similar balms sometimes color the hair in a completely unexpected tone.

How quickly and completely to wash off tonic from hair?

Guaranteed effect produces professional washing . They slightly damage the curls, but eliminate the unwanted pigment immediately, enough of the first application.

Qualitative and effective means:

The listed washings can be used independently, but it is safer to visit the salon and trust the strands to a specialist. The wizard will select the ideal product according to the structure, thickness, type and condition of the curls, in order to cause minimal damage.

How else can I wash the tonic off my hair?

If the wash is too aggressive, there is a chance to restore the original shade with home remedies.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

A little heat the oil, mix with the juice. Evenly distribute the product in curls, twist them into a bundle, wrap it with polyethylene and a thick towel. Leave it for 3-3.5 hours, then wash the head with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

From the water and henna make a thick mass, grind it with yolk and dilute with kefir. Apply the mixture on strands, hold for 2-3 hours. Thoroughly wash hair with cool running water.

Also there is an intensive way, how to wash off the red or purple tonic from light hair, or other unnatural shades, difficult to remove.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and use

Beat all ingredients, a little warm them up. Carefully distribute the mixture in strands, trying not to touch the scalp. After 1-1.5 hours wash your hair.

The proposed remedy is quite aggressive, so after its use it is important to provide the hair with enhanced nutrition and hydration.