Haircut "Aurora"

Hairstyle "Aurora" was very popular in the 80 years of the 20th century. And now it is also at the peak of popularity. True, today many haircuts "Aurora" is known as "cascade" or "Italian". The haircut combines short hair on the parietal area and long, filified hair along the haircut contour.

Pros of haircut "Aurora"

Haircut is short-lived, but it is better, of course, to choose a craftsman who knows the structure of your hair and chooses the length of the strands you need for your type of face. Usually, hairdressers advise you to leave strands in the face at the level of the chin.

Laying "Aurora" does not require different combs or any other devices. It is necessary to get only a round brush and foam for styling hair. With the help of a hair dryer, hair in a matter of minutes lie in beautiful strands. Owners of wavy hair will have to spend a little more time at the mirror, but this is no reason to abandon the Aurora.

Among other advantages :

By the way, before visiting the hairdresser, it is better to stock photos or a picture with a picture of a hairstyle, tk. not all specialists know this name. To many it is known under the name "Cascade", "Lesenka", " Italiana ". Pay attention also that at similarity with "Italianika" at "Aurora" the whiskeys are not shaved. "Italiano" is more chosen by representatives of subcultures, for example, rappers. Consider also, whether you will have a bang - this is very important for creating an image.

With a haircut "Aurora" you will always be young, stylish, bold and purposeful. Well-groomed hair, neatly laid, well trimmed - this is the guarantee of a beautiful appearance, and accordingly, a positive attitude. Hairstyle "Aurora", everyday and festive, not requiring a long styling, will make you feminine and charming both day and evening.

Haircut "Aurora" on short hair

On short hair this haircut is suitable for a youthful, slightly defiant style. This hairstyle will emphasize your independence, integrity, individuality, courage. Haircut on short hair decently will increase their volume due to the raised top and short-cut temples. Do not experiment with this haircut, if you are the owner of a round or square face - the hairstyle will make it even wider.

Haircut "Aurora" on medium hair

If the "Aurora" is made on medium hair, then the appearance becomes less daring and more romantic. Suitable for those who want to emphasize the oval face. Women's haircut "Aurora" is good for everyday wear, and for evening activities. Hair, falling cascade on the shoulders, do not get mixed up and lie beautifully if they are sprinkled with a varnish of medium fixation. Having wound hair on large hair curlers, or having twisted them inside with the help of a round brush, it is possible to receive absolutely different, very lovely images.

Haircut "Aurora" on long hair

Long hair looks with this haircut very stylish. In addition, it does not interfere with the laying of hair with curls. Looks great with melirovaniem or coloring. You can leave a bang, which was fashionable in the 80s. Milling is necessary in creating a haircut - due to this it looks neat and elegant. The hairstyle suits and owners of curls. Long hair with such a haircut can be worn loose, you can collect them in a high tail, which will very well emphasize the eyes and bright makeup .